As a network marketing veteran, I always apply the God gave us two ears and one mouth rule – ask questions and then listen. Listen to the answers.

It doesn’t matter if you are working with a potential customer, speaking with a prospect or working with a member of your team, powerful questions is a habit you want to engage in habitually.

The more you know about people, the more effective you will be in bringing value to them. Ask questions so you can get to know that person, really know them. Engaging in conversation and showing you care begins the process of relationship building through network marketing.

Each time you engage conversation with someone, be sure you know what it is you want to discover. Set a goal with each encounter. When you leave, know that you gave it your best and brought value to the situation.

When you bring value to someone, it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. Build your network marketing business with honesty and integrity and without the hype, and you will stand above other network marketers.

People will come to you, see the value of watching and learning from you and duplicate your efforts. Asking questions and more importantly listening to the answers will lead you in the right direction.

The bottom line is if you ask the powerful questions and listen to the answers, you will turn prospects into customers, business partners and team members!

Author's Bio: 

Lisa Willard is a mom, life time learner and entrepreneur. Lisa has worked from home for many years, coaching and training others on how to be successful in a home business. Contact her at