You cannot reduce dreams and goals to your size. If you dream of being a high level manager, yet your main goal is to please your boss, it is unlikely you will achieve your dream. If you dream of being wealthy, yet resent those who already have money, it is unlikely you will achieve wealth. Dreams are realized when you grow into them. In order to grow into them, you have to remove the mental bindings that keep you where you are.

The person who desires to be a high level manager must begin functioning as a high level manager right now. What do good high level managers do? They think strategically. They see the big picture and focus on the actions that will move them forward in the most effective way. They take responsibility for their thoughts and actions. They work to create an environment that fosters success. They sense how they affect others and manage their effects. If they are really good, they have a good sense of who they are. If you are complaining to yourself that you have been overlooked or unrecognized for your talent, it is that tendency to see life as unfair that holds you back. You won't achieve your dream with petty thoughts.

Whether it is wealth, career success, or spiritual growth that you desire, you must recognize that what you want doesn't come from outside you. To sit around hoping money will show up, or wishing your talent would be recognized, or dreaming that some day you'll have it all together is a sure way to frustrate yourself. Saying "I want to be a success." doesn't make you a success in anything. Wanting something isn't enough. It is the kind of wanting that matters. This is the kind of wanting that moves from your head to your heart, and then to your soul. It is when you look at a goal and you know it's yours.

Years ago I applied for a job that felt so right for me, that I was wondering why they hadn't called me back yet. So, I called the manager. After a few moments I blurted out: "I feel like this job is already mine." I surprised myself at the confidence and passion from which I spoke. The manager paused a moment and responded: "You're right, it is yours."

So, what do you want? Wealth, spiritual growth , great relationships, career success, great health? Make sure that whatever you have designated for yourself is something that you really want. How do you know if you really want it? You feel a passion for it. The desire rises up from deep within you. The idea of having this or being in this state feels good to you.

If you think you really want something, answer this: What would you do if you actually received it? Make it real in your mind. See yourself taking full responsibility for the new situation. If you are scared off by it then maybe you don't really want it. If you don't really want it, then you have contradictory intentions in your mind. Contradictory intentions play out like two people in the same canoe, paddling in opposite directions. Lots of effort gets expended but you don't get anywhere.

I knew a guy who searched for twenty years for the ideal relationship with a woman. He asked me how I was able to find someone good to marry. I told him that the reason he couldn't find a woman to marry was because he didn't want one. He protested my words, but then thought about it. He said to me: "You're right. Every time I meet someone I think to myself: What if I marry her and then someone better comes along?"

The question is this: whatever you say you want, are you willing to do the work? Are you willing to accept the problems and issues that may arise in the process? Are you willing to meet the challenges that will arise? Will you take 100 % responsibility for everything you say and do? It may be fun to see yourself as CEO or as president of something or other, but your day will not be filled with people patting you on the back and telling you how wonderful you are. Success in work, money, relationships, and spiritual growth usually means making tougher decisions, often being a role model, and good discipline. Of course, there are many "successful" and "wealthy" people who don't make good decisions, and who aren't good role models. Keep in mind that "famous" is not synonymous with successful or happy.

Set aside your hopes and daydreams for a moment and ask yourself these questions:
1. What do I really want?2. What am I here to do at this time in my life?
3. Where or through what could I contribute most effectively?

Ask and then listen for your answer. Identify your direction and then begin making yourself big enough to handle it. Don't tell yourself that you must succeed. Tell yourself that what you seek is within you already. Ask: "How would I think and feel if I had already accomplished my goal?" Create those thoughts and feelings within you now. In other words, adopt the body language and the tone of voice you would see yourself having. Take on responsibility that matches the level you seek, and do it for the joy of doing it--not for some expected reward. Next, begin doing the work that will help you get where you want to go.

Let go of worry and trust that the Voice within that spoke your true desire will guide you on your way. Move forward with confidence regardless of the opinions of others. It's not about what life is giving you. It's about what you are giving to life. You will reap the fruits of your labor, but first you must grow into the goal.

Added note: In his best selling book, The Purpose Driven Life, Reverend Rick Warren writes that you shouldn't look within for your purpose, but to God. I don't know about you, but I don't hear any booming voices from the sky. It is more like "the still small voice" within my mind. The correct translation of Rick's words is that you shouldn't look to your ego for your purpose.Your ego is fickle and always changing. Your point of contact with God, or whatever you call your Higher Power, is within your mind and heart. Whatever you believe, your purpose is calling you. Are you picking up?

Author's Bio: 

William Frank Diedrich is a speaker, executive coach and the author of three books and one CD. Read about and purchase his products at .

Check out William Frank Diedrich videos at youtube.