There are several reasons why many turn to alcohol. Yet when they first do so, they paid little regard that excessive alcohol can cause plenty of harm and damage to the internal organs such as liver and stomach. Alcohol can cause liver-related diseases as well as varicose-like veins in the stomach's lining, which can rupture any moment. Once a rupture starts, internal bleeding and many complications occur. So if you have an alcohol addiction , you should kick this habit before it is too late.

Headache and nausea are immediate effects when you drink alcohol excessively. Your mental clarity gets affected and you begin to feel dizzy. You wake up the next morning from a night of drinking feeling lousy and groggy.

You should seek help and support for an alcohol addiction . It will be hard to stop the habit on your own. You will need to acknowledge that you have reached a point whereby you cannot do without alcohol. Here are some warning signs that you need to pay attention to, in order to determine if you have an alcohol addiction :

• Are you turning more and more to alcohol?The feeling of wanting to belong and be socially accepted is common. Drinking alcohol can make you feel that you belong to a group of party goers. Or you may be facing stress at work or having some financial problems. You turn to drinking to temporarily help you forget your woes. What you forget is that the effects of being drunk and alcoholic can be more detrimental than beneficial.

• Are you taking time off from work just to drink?If you are, you may be addicted to alcohol. Alcoholics tend to not to regard the future consequences of what they do. Over time, they begin to lose their motivations and ambitions. They are unable to concentrate while on their jobs. Careers start to suffer.

• Is your drinking habit causing you rifts with family members?
Your family members are likely to be the first ones who notice about your drinking habits. They raise concerns but you feel that they are nagging. You may even feel the need to keep your alcohol addiction a secret. Alcoholics become so addicted to their drinks that they often fail to see that their family members really want the best for them.

• Are you thinking about having a drink all the time?An obvious sign of having an alcohol addiction is that you always think about having a glass of whiskey at any time of the day. Or maybe you have a regular 11:00 pm nightcap and cannot sleep without it. If you are indeed experiencing these signs, go talk to a trusted health professional. It may well be the start of a dangerous alcohol addiction.

A relapse is more likely when there are traces of alcohol in your body. An alcohol detox program can help to thoroughly cleanse yourself of these traces. A liver cleanse built into your alcohol detox program can also help you reduce the chance of developing liver failure and to strengthen your liver. It is possible to start anew!

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