There are three basic abilities—to observe, to make decisions, to act.

The last is dependent on the fundamental "Cycle of Action"—Start, Change and Stop.

To be able to accomplish anything you must be able to complete a Cycle of Action.

For example, to drive a car you need to learn how to Start it, to Change its location and to Stop it.

Inability to either Start, Change or Stop things is a primary barrier to success.

Many people have trouble with one or more of these steps. They can Start things, but not continue them requiring Change .

Some are always changing things but accomplishing little and often fail to stop things that need stopping.

Any project requires a number of completed minor Cycles of Action that lead to the completion of the major Cycle of Action resulting in the end product.

In order to put together this article I had to research to find the best Key Word for the title that the public uses to search for this subject matter.

This required the Cycle of Action of Starting the necessary key word research using my key word software , Changing various key words until I found the most popular one for the subject matter, and then Stopping that cycle to go to the next step.

This may sound overly simple, but you would be surprised at the number of people who can hang up on one of these steps. They could go on for days checking key words and never get to a satisfactory result.

Then I needed to research the content for the article requiring several Cycles of Action, Start typing it up using this software , revise or Change it as needed and save or Stop the final version for approval.

Anything can be accomplished if you complete simple Cycles of Action in their proper sequence to give you a gradient of success, one cycle at a time.

This and all the fundamentals needed to boost your ability are contained in the book, The Problems of Work , by L. Ron Hubbard.

For more information go to this page on my website at

Author's Bio: 

I took my first professional Scientology course in Paris, France in 1958 and later went to work professionally as an Auditor (one who listens and computes) at the New York Scientology Center, then got a job working directly with the founder, L.Ron Hubbard, in England in 1962.

Over the next 27 years, I completed all the major Scientology professional training available at that time and served as a senior executive during the rapid expansion of the Scientology movement.

In 1999 I retired from staff in the Scientology organization, but I have continue to move up through the more advanced levels in Scientology as they are released.