Another New Year for small office, solo-preneurs and other professional individuals, so start it off right.
What you need to determine is how you will spend your time: earning, learning , yearning or a combination of all three.
Follow the three strategies presented below to create a New Year of abundance , balance, focus, and fun.
The first strategy is Time Alone.
Take your calendar and, at least for the first quarter of the year, select one weekday and designate it for yourself. This is in addition to any weekends that you have designated for other work or family activities.
Use this time for yourself; go to the movies, a museum, volunteer or take up tap dancing.
Remember, you come first. If you are not fulfilled, satisfied and content, the business won't come to you anyway.
Clients are attracted to enjoyment, not worry.
Start each day with: "I am satisfied and successful."
Create the time for peace , joy and the pleasure of just taking care of you.
Second, the Bigger Financial Picture.
Decide the amount of income you want your business to receive in this New Year. For example, consider $240,000 in annual receipts. Could be more or less; this is just an example using round figures. This breaks down to $20,000 per month.
This amount, $240,000 annually may sound high to some. As a business owner, you only get to keep half this amount.
The other half goes to overhead, profit and marketing, so keep this in mind. You will generate $20,000 per month; however, only $10,000 of this goes to the owner.
You may need to have a higher figure, depending on your business or practice. $1,000,000 even. That's okay.
Now determine how many days you want to market your business and how many days you want to "do the work." The marketing can be in the form of networking meetings, free or fee talks, mailings and Internet marketing.
The work would be the actual consulting, writing, product design and development, coaching or training performed in your area of expertise. Write it down. Write the amount on an annual, monthly and daily basis. Each day, make a statement similar to, "Everything I do today supports my financial goals."
Only perform tasks of High Value that will support your monthly number of $20,000 per month. Choose three of these High Value tasks per day.
Remember, you do not need to work every day to generate the income you want. If you determine you want to work only six months per year, say it. It may take a little time for your subconscious to hear your truth, but there is no rule that you have to work a particular number of days per week or per year.
This is your life, your business and your rules.
Third, Be Healthy. Your body and your mind take you through the work and the play and need to be in the best shape possible. This means to eat healthy, sleep healthy, play healthy and work healthy. Get rid of anything or anyone that does not support who you are or want to be.
Eliminate inappropriate and unnecessary food, relationships, clothes, business associates, clients, subscriptions, debts and so on. No need to carry any burden that you don't want. Make a list of everything that needs to go. Keep this list, note the dates things change and applaud. Every day, say "I am healthy." It works.
You are now on your way to new ideas, new learning and expanded income and health.
Copyright 2011
JJoanne Victoria, co-founder of Gemma & Bixley and a Professional Business Intuitive, has been a business practitioner for over 25 years as a Real Estate Broker/Owner, CFO of an investment company, CFO and Sales & Marketing Director of a home-building company and CEO of her former business, New Directions. Joanne provides insights into Big Picture outcomes for clients and offers action steps essential to make dreams come alive.
Victoria guided numerous organizations from insecure financial circumstances to increased levels of success.
Joanne is the author of 5 books including: Vision With a Capital V- Create the Business of Your Dreams, Lighting Your Path-How To Create the Life You Want, How To Achieve Your Dream Business and Pushy For a Moment-Instant Solutions to Everyday Challenges.
Joanne’s observations on what people can do to succeed have been reported in the San Francisco Chronicle, national Business Journals, Success Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Marie Claire magazine and national television and radio programs.
Joanne‘s ability to see the big picture allows her to leap over logic presented by circumstances and individuals. Joanne’s philosophy cultivates methods for identifying commanding life choices, then trusting those choices to promote growth.