It is time to treat the whole person including emotional and subconscious aspects originating domestic violence and move beyond the current theory of behavioral and book solutions. When treating the whole person results are effective and long term, not the usual shallow help. Growing into sanity and having a life of happiness , joy and freedom from domestic violence, when the root causes and conditions of this illness are understood and restored to health is possible.

The American Medical Association declared addiction , including domestic violence, a disease in 1956; however, this medical condition is not usually identified until a law is broken because of “denial” in addiction . A domestic violent relationship is only one aspect of this complex condition. Below the behavior , dis-ease may propel this situation from many medical, emotional, and spiritual difficulties. All of these can come into health with appropriate holistic counseling methods.

Marilyn Redmond, BA, CHT, IBRT and Registered Counselor, speaks, writes, and counsels from her experience of overcoming a thirty year battering and abusive marriage of rape. She discovered the dynamics and wisdom for recovery. “Assisting others is effective when it comes from experience. Treatment with a compassionate heart of understanding brings a magical wellness . It is a slow process, but worth the walk into reality.” She believes.

In addition, she knows, “Behavioral conduct as normally addressed is the tip of the iceberg. However, it is a sickness where the individual is acting out the pain of unconscious problems, often from childhood or trauma. Both parties in the co-dependent relationship attract each other in their excessive neediness for emotional survival. Only healing the whole person stops the recreation of the cycle with that partner or another. Statistically women have a better chance of recovery.”

Author's Bio: 

Reverend Marilyn Redmond, CHT, IBRT. BA in Education, Registered Counselor, Speaker, Writer, Artist, and ordained minister

Marilyn’s first book, Roses Have Thorns: Encouragement on evolving from pain to joy, is her spiritual journey available from or Now completing her second book, Secrets to Life and Living: Let the Real You Out , reveals how she achieved a consciousness of oneness in healing her traumatic life of illness and disease. In her international speaking, writing, and counseling she shares her experience and tools, including Flower Essences, to find your inner strength and consciousness for health, healing, and empowerment and ultimately ascension.

Marilyn was recently included in “Who’s Who” for Professionals and Executives for her pioneering and innovative work in restoring traumatic lives, healing emotional causes of illness and releasing negative energy. Her understanding and wisdom of the human dilemma and the solutions will work for your, too. She is available for speaking, interviews, seminars, and individual counseling.

She is a member of the National Speakers Association, American Board of Hypnotherapy, International Board of Regression Therapy, and American Counseling Association. She teaches in colleges, wellness centers and for metaphysical groups. Her radio show, “Marilyn’s Solutions”, and her radio and TV appearances are big successes. Contact her at 253-845-4907, visit or E-mail her at: