Stop and smell the roses…or…in our case stop and take photos of the balloons rising. This is why we do what we do…full-time RVing or for those of you who have not heard that term before it is basically traveling in our RV, our home is now on wheels.

There once was a time in our lives that we were too engulfed with all the things that needed to be done and never gave a thought to what was right in front of our eyes. The fun things took a backseat to running our business and living our lives as others thought it should be lived.

Our hearts ached for a simpler life, a life that included our passions of writing, photography, traveling and NASCAR. We had no time or energy to even take a day off, let alone a week vacation and the nagging urge to go after this “crazy” dream continued…so the research began. The more we researched, the more rational it began to feel. We were not alone…we were part of the “Baby Boomers” craze and it was amazing how many others felt the same and were doing what we wanted to do. After months of research…we took action…we sold it all, kept only the bare essentials we need to travel our country.

Our lives took on an entirely different meaning, there were no deadlines, no house cleaning, no lawn maintenance (after all our backyard was wherever we parked our home). It took a long time and even now we have to remind ourselves that we do not have to be in that fast pace life, we can stop and take photos along our travels, write our articles, relax and just enjoy the new adventure life has in store for us today.

Author's Bio: 

Passionate about writing, photography, traveling and NASCAR!
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