(New York, NY)— It seems that every group nowadays has their own fitness guide; the Marines, Moms, and even the Mob. And now on the shelves is a guide specifically targeted at Latin women.

So why do Latin women need a fitness guide just for them? “The J-Lo factor,” says Barbara-Trujillo Gomez, author of …Barbara Por Atras: A Latin Woman’s Guide to Fitness . “We have a lot more curves and a little more padding.”

This life affirming book is intended to enhance self esteem and foster self acceptance.

“I want my Latina sisters to let go of the Anglo stereotypes of emaciated, air brushed models and embrace women who have a healthy attitude toward food, fitness , and fun.”

The authors discuss how it’s so easy to get wrapped up in all the attention of looking a certain way, and how much pressure is put on Latina women to do so.

“This book will provide all us Latinas with proven effective workouts to enhance the God given curves and caderas we have as Latin women,” says Barbara.

She continually persists that the most important reason to follow her guide is to benefit yourself health wise. Living a fit and healthy lifestyle will add years to your life while giving you a great sense of accomplishment.

Some of the important points featured in this book are:

-- How the decision to change your physical appearance through dieting and exercise starts inside of you.
-- Nutritional information—which foods to avoid and which are beneficial
-- Workout routines for the beginner, intermediate, and advanced
-- Latin recipes geared to getting you the body you desire while not giving up your favorite foods.

“This book is truly the only guide you will need to making a hotter, healthier Latina,” Barbara says. “Simply follow my suggestions and you’ll be on your way to a new you!”

“Seeing results will motivate individuals to take on greater tasks in life in the direction of self improvement ,” said Barbara. “It is crucial to do this for your self, and not for anybody else.”

(...Barbara Por Atras: A Latin Woman’s Guide to Fitness , by Barbara Trujillo-Gomez with Blanca Rodriguez; ISBN: 0-9801469-0-9; $17.95; 136-pages; 5 ½ x 7 ½ paperback with French Flaps; B&B FIT, LLC)

Author's Bio: 

Barbara Trujillo Gomez and Blanca Rodriguez have worked as personal trainers for over 15 yrs. Both women have certifications in numerous areas of fitness. Blanca has previously partnered with the Discovery Channel to create the Family Fitness Challenge which focused on encouraging healthy living. Born and raised in New Jersey from parents of Cuban and Spanish decent, both also spend their days with their families and raising their children ranging in ages 2 through 6.