Prosperity : The eternal flow of all that’s good in life…”

*Below is the second in a series of articles based on real life events experienced by the author. The only deviations from the truth may be the names of people and places. These stories are also incorporated in “My Friend Yu – the Prosperity Mentor: Book II,” Pantejo - Y.N. Vurce Publishing . Release Date: 2008.

You wonder why, with all the hard work you’ve done, you don’t “have it” by now?

In this article, we continue looking at “The Scenario” (introduced in “Alternative Notions of Life, a Different Path (2): Trying too hard?”) and explore alternative ways of better handling your situation.

- Review -

In “Alternative Notions of Life, a Different Path (2): Trying too hard?” - we introduced The Scenario (below):

You’ve been trying to do something (or have something) for quite sometime, but it’s just not happening. You feel like you’ve done all your homework and “checked all the blocks” required for the task. Whatever it is you want, you feel that it’s really, really important and you want it bad! You begin to envy the other people who already have it. You wonder why, with all the hard work you’ve done, you don’t have it by now too? Sometimes you get angry, depressed, or discouraged because you don’t have it yet. You wonder why other people seem to cruise through life while you are struggling.

We analyzed the first four sentences and saw blatant negativity, non-commitment (just trying), discussed the Fear/ Manifestation Paradox, due diligence, and envy.

Recommended Actions:

*Concentrate on what you desire, not on what you don’t have.
*Instead of complaining, be grateful for what you already have (and for what’s on its way).
*Everyday, do something that takes you a little closer to your goal.

- Working Hard? -

(The Scenario, Sentence 5.) You wonder why, with all the hard work you’ve done, you don’t have it by now too?

“Hard Work” is all well and good, but are all your actions contributing to your ultimate goals?

(The following is an excerpt from “My Friend Yu – The Prosperity Mentor,” Copyright August 2007. Pantejo – Y.N. Vurce Publishing )

- Effectiveness, Excellence, and Efficiency -

… Most people attempt to do only just enough to get by. And whatever work they actually get around to doing is done grudgingly, oftentimes at a substandard level.

Others will choose plain escapism, finding the lure of extraneous, distracting activities too attractive to resist. It becomes their coping mechanism and excuse for postponing distasteful tasks or decisions. End result: a nasty, unproductive cycle of rationalizing, justifying, complaining, blaming, and postponing.

The Certain Way dictates that you do all your tasks and handle all your responsibilities quite differently.

Use all your mental powers and enthusiasm to begin doing everything in the most effective, excellent, and efficient way. Effective, excellent, and efficient performance will automatically put you head and shoulders above the mediocre masses.

First, be effective.

Be effective BEFORE you think about excellence and efficiency. Effectiveness deals with choosing to spend most of your time on activities that contribute to your personal and business life; bringing you one step closer to goal accomplishment.

Excellence (in any endeavor) is unique, personally gratifying, and always attracts more excellent people, experiences, and things into your life.

Efficiency is time oriented and, when the most effective activities are chosen to be done in an efficient way, multiplies productivity .

But no matter how excellent and efficient your actions are, you’ll get no closer to your goals if those actions are ineffective.

In fact, the more efficiently you do ineffective actions, the faster and farther you become from your goals.

Imagine you are a small aircraft pilot. You’ve ensured that all maintenance on your airplane was done correctly. You’ve performed all the pre-flight checklists perfectly. Take-off was smooth and you are flying in beautiful weather. You have been an excellent, responsible, and professional pilot.

The tail wind is moving your plane through the air faster, decreasing the flight time to your destination, and decreasing your fuel consumption. This is a highly efficient plane trip. But, if your departure point was Florida and your destination is New York, and you’re headed toward Cuba, you’re not being very effective! In fact, the more efficient you are during this plane trip, the farther you are from your intended destination.

It’s the same with all your actions, responsibilities, and goals. Too many people are busy trying to do things correctly without ever thinking if what they’re doing is the correct thing to do. On the surface, these people may appear highly productive; buzzing around at mach speed and looking very important. But upon further examination, you’ll notice that most of their activities aren’t leading to anywhere in particular. Sadly, these people have nothing to show for their years of “hard work.”

And sooner or later, they realize their efforts were in vain, miserably futile. Disillusioned by their lack of real personal progress, despondency becomes their final destination.

Are you depressed yet? Don’t be. The remedy is simple. Just make sure you are doing the right thing before trying to do it better! Always choose effectiveness first. Effective actions are the positive steps toward your goals, while ineffective actions take you a step backwards.

If you don’t want to keep taking one step forward, then two steps back, put your prospective actions through a personal “effective action filter.” Always ask yourself if what you are about to do will get you a little closer to your personal life goals.

If situations merit that you have to act in the best interest of other people, helping them meet their goals, find a way to synergize achieving their goals with some of your own. In this way, your actions remain effective - another win/win and wise strategy. You create positive feelings in the other individual, while satisfying some of your desires too.

For example, let’s say you are a parent and feel like you are not spending enough time with your son. Because of years of being overruled by more pressing matters, your son has learned to seek fun in other activities without you. What should you do?

You should find out what he is interested in and make an effort to help him do it better. It could be a sport, hobby, or other activity that makes him feel happy and excited. Find a way to help him with it and you have synergistically matched your goal of spending more time with him with his goal of getting better at what makes him happy.

Clearly, then, making sure all your actions are effective prevents you from squandering your precious life energy and time on things that take you backward; ultimately sparing you from a whole lot of heartache. And most importantly, effective actions move you toward, not away from, a permanently rich, happy, and healthy life.

Perform all your chosen actions in an excellent way; that is, in a way that exceeds customers’ and bosses’ expectations. Always do them this way – even if your bosses and customers don’t laud you with constant accolades.

If you are doing things in an excellent way merely to get other people’s attention, you will be disappointed. Praise is not common practice in the workplace. The harsh reality is that the vast majority of people are too concerned with their own affairs to take time out for praise. It’s a sad, but true fact of life. Don’t let this discourage you from doing things in the Certain Way. You are doing your actions in an effective, excellent, and efficient way not for them, but for you.

The main purpose of maintaining a personal excellent standard (above the expectations of others) is to condition your subconscious into always thinking in positive, excellent terms. In turn, this will attract more positive, excellent things and circumstances into your life.

Once you’re sure that you are doing the most valuable activity possible and are committed to doing it in an excellent way, strive to be efficient. This does not mean blindly attempting to do everything hurriedly. Do them as fast as you can, without compromising quality. Do them quickly, but correctly.

Buzzing around doing as many things possible will burn you out. Eventually, the cumulative effects of frantically multi-tasking will decrease the quality of your work and set you up for failure and accidents.

If you plan your activities properly, focusing on the truly important things, you will rarely have to hurry. Sure, there might be some times when you’ll have to “turn and burn” to meet an unexpected deadline or emergency. But these instances will be few and far between; especially if you attend to the most important things first and do them in the most excellent, and efficient manner possible.

In summary, be effective first. Then, whether you get praise or not, be excellent. Lastly, be efficient (meaning: quickly AND correctly).

The results from these actions are truly miraculous.

And it won’t be long until you’re immersed in “The Flow” of prosperity .

…Continued in “Alternative Notions of Life, a Different Path (4)…”

“Until next time, be brave enough to take a Different Path.”

Your Friend in this Intrepid Journey called Life,

Carl “J.C.” Pantejo

Prosperity, effectiveness, excellence, efficiency, trying, goals, praise, win/win, positive, negative.

Note: If you want to read more about Universal Laws, unconditional love, exorcizing past personal demons, and the Illusive Secret of Happiness , please read the following articles:

“Alternative Notions of Life, a Different Path: Guardian Angels and Universal Laws.”

“Alternative Notions of Life, a Different Path (2): Trying too hard?”

“Experiences from ‘The Flow’ series, articles (1) – (20).” (This is a series of articles about love, romance, Asian/Western relationships, relationship analysis, and more.)

“How Dare She! Out of Desperation I Learned How to Forgive”

“Remember Who You Are!”

“Need to Heal Your Broken Heart? Read on. Overcome Heartbreak and Learn the Illusive Secret of Happiness .”
“Simple (and Priceless) Life Lessons From the Most Influential Prosperity Mentor in My Life - My Father”
And much more!

(By Carl “J.C.” Pantejo and published internet-wide, keyword: [title of article] or “Carl Pantejo”)

Author's Bio: 

About the Author:

He is a retired U.S. Military veteran. Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an A.A., B.S., and MBA in less than 4 years much later in life – while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic. In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he free-fall parachuted out of airplanes and performed diving ops in very deep, open ocean water.

Carl “J.C.” Pantejo
Author, “My Friend Yu – The Prosperity Mentor,” Copyright August 2007
Founder, Y.N. Vurce Publishing
“Come visit. You’re always welcome.”