So, you’ve moved most of your stuff out of your parents’ place, and after all the hassle, drama, and unexpected expenses, you’re finally settling into your first, very own apartment. That means you’ll be paying your own electricity bills.

While there’s no need to panic, your energy habits do affect your monthly bill. While nobody’s habits are exactly the same, let’s look at the most common ways you can start saving energy. Individually, these examples don’t offer huge savings, BUT the combination of all of them can really help you save money.

1. Use lights bulbs that are energy efficient

Replace those lights you use the most with compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) since these use less electricity. A 13-watt CFL puts out as much light (in lumens) as a 60 watt incandescent bulb. CFLs last much longer, and LED bulbs even longer than that. And when you move out, you can always swap back in the incandescent bulbs and take the energy efficient bulbs with you (saving even more money).

2. Get your air filter replaced on time

Dirty air filters make your heat and air conditioning system work harder to circulate air. If you are paying for your own heat and air conditioning, a dirty air filter will add to the expense. Air filters are made from different materials in different thicknesses and sizes. These factors affect their electricity consumption which then has a impact on your bills.

3. Turn off lights and fan

Many people believe that ceiling fans help heat or cool. The truth is that they do neither. They just help circulate heated or cooled air and make the room feel more comfortable. So, if you’re not there why keep it running? Similarly, remembering to switch off the lights when you leave a room reduces you usage as well. This is rather the easiest tip!

4. Make your kitchen energy efficient

Cooking creates lots of heat, and in the summer, that can pile on to your apartment’s heat load and raise your air conditioning costs. Some of the things that you can do is to use the microwave to heat liquids rather than the stove. It’s faster and uses less electricity. You can get in touch with electricians in cwmbran to optimise your kitchen’s energy efficiency.

5. Make use of smart strips

Smart power strips turn completely off after a set period of time. That means anything connected to them, like TVs, game consoles, routers, cable boxes, and other things that use stand-by power when they are switched off, will be completely turned off. This will shut off the power supply when you are not using your appliances.

6. Replace your mechanical thermostats

Programmable thermostats can help you reduce your heating and cooling bills by setting back temperatures while you sleep and while you are away at work. These smart thermostats in comparison to mechanical thermostats give you even more flexibility and a means of seeing what temperatures work best for your apartment.

7. Tweak your water heater

Most water heaters are merely large tanks designed to keep water at a set temperature whether you are using it or not.. A good tip is to turn your water heater temperature down during the day when you are out and then turn it back up to 120°F to heat water over night. Depending on where your water is situated, an inexpensive water heater jacket can also help reduce your heating costs.

8. Get landlord electrical safety certificate

Getting this certificate will ensure safety and security of your electrical appliances and your wiring. It will reveal if any of your electrical circuits or equipment are overloaded.

Now there is no need to fear your electricity bills when you move out in a rented accomodation. Use these 8 great tips to reduce your energy usage now, and the savings and habits will carry forth into the future!

Author's Bio: 

Caitlyn Bell is an Arts student whose experiences in life make her really tougher than anyone else. She can lend you expert tips on diverse topics ranging from relationship to fashion, making money, health and so on. Her write-ups are a window into her thoughts and knowledge.