What food should we be eating to maintain and improve our health? What food should we avoid eating? Many of us continue to read and hear conflicting reports and confusing information about food. An interesting article provided by Prevention appeared as an aol health report.
The following seven foods to avoid eating may be familiar or surprising. Just keep an open mind and read all the way to the end of this artticle.
1. Avoid eating canned tomatoes because "The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to...reproductive problems...heart disease, diabetes and obesity ." Choose instead, tomatoes in glass bottles; there is no resin lining. This warning was cited by Frederick Von Saal, Ph.D., endocrinologist at the University of Missouri.
2. Don't eat corn fed beef. Corn fattens the animals but depletes their nutrition . A study by the USDA and Clemson University found that grass-fed beef "is higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3s, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), calcium, magnesium and potassium; low in inflammatory omega-6s; and lower in saturated fats...." Choose grass-fed beef sold at specilaty groceries. This warning was cited by Joel Salatin, co-owner of Polyfrace Farms, author of several books about farming.
3. Stay away from microwave popcorn because certain chemicals in the lining of the bag "may be linked to infertility in humans" and have actually caused liver, testicular and pancreatic cancer ini animals." Instead, pop natural kernels in a skillet. This warning was cited by Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., senior scinetist for the Environmental Working Group.
4. Don't eat non-organic potatoes because root vegetables "absorb herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that wind up in the soil." Buy organic potatoes instead. This warning was cited by Jeffrey Moyer, chair of the National Organic Standards Board.
5. Avoid eating farmed or Atltantic salmon because "farmed salmon is lower in vitamin D and higher in contaminants, including carcinogens, PCB's, brominated flame retardants and pesticides such as dioxin and DDT." Choose instead wild-caught Alaska salmon or canned salmon (which is usually wild caught). This warning was cited by David Carpenter, M.D., director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University at Albany, author of a major study on contamination in fish.
6. Don't drink milk that has articfical hormones because recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST), often used to increase milk production, creates higher levels of "insulin-like growth factor" which "may contribute to breast, prostate and colon cancers." Read labels and choose only "r-BGH-free or rBST-free" milk. This warning was cited by Rick North, project director of the Campaign for Safe Food at the Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibililty and former CEO of the Oregon division of the American Cancer Society.
7. Don't bite into conventional apples because these apples, which don't easily resist pests, are sprayed frequently with pesticides which may be linked to cancers and Parkinson's disease. Instead, buy organic apples. This warning was cited by Mark Kastel, co-director of the Cornucopia Institute, a fram-policy research group that supports organic foods.
Don't be disheartened by these findings. Perhaps you are one of those people who refuses to shop for strictly organic food. Maybe you like to add canned tomatoes and regular potatoes to your favorite recipes and you prefer the flavor of farm raised salmon and microwave popcorn. Don't despair. Try adding Chaga mushroom extract twice a day to your regular diet routine. Just mix it with water or juice or even tea. This unique and powerful mushroom, grown in the coldest region of Siberia, is known for its medicinal capabilities. It actually zaps the nutrition from the birch tree and can help to eliminate unwanted toxins from your digestive system. Check out the preponderance of exciting research about this simple yet powerful mushroom.
Even if you decide to shop for only organic and home grown fruits and vegetables, grass-fed beef, and wild Alaska salmon, what happens when you eat out at a restaurant or are invited for dinner at your friend or relative's home? In this modern society, it can be quite difficult to maintain a perfectly healthy, chemical-free diet. Why not add some healthy supplements such as Chaga as a safeguard and immune system strengthener?
Dr. Erica Goodstone, a Healing Through Love Mentor, has helped thousands of men, women, couples, and groups to develop greater awareness of the issues in their relationships and their lives, to overcome and alleviate stressors and discords, and to revitalize their relationships and their own mind-body-spirit connection. Read some powerful research about Chaga at http://budurl.com/MyChaga . For a healing consultation, Dr. Goodstone can be contacted through her web site at http://www.DrEricaWellness.com .