I'm sure you all like to hear a nice story.

(I read this story online)

After the breakdown of her first marriage Brenda started putting on weight.

When she reached 20 stone, she decided to go on a diet .

Brenda now weighs 9 stone 9lbs and can finally fit into a size 10 dress.

The interesting thing was – Brenda was 77 years old

It had taken her 50 years to do it!

She started her diet in her 20’s and reached her goal in her 70’s.

Brenda said

“The diet went well over the first few years”

“but for the past 40 years I’ve been struggling to lose the last three stone.”

“At one point I saw a picture of myself in the local paper I looked like a big green blob.”

“From that point on I was determined to lose weight.”

She shed seven stone over the next decade

She says she used a combination of exercise and cutting out cakes.

But still she could never shift the remaining three stone.

Finally, she turned to a slimming club in 2010 and slowly crept towards her target weight in October of that year.

It’s an interesting story.

Firstly I would like to say well done to Brenda.

Anyone who has see’s something through to the end should be congratulated.

But looking at it critically, I’m sure Brenda would have liked to have done it a bit quicker.

Statistics say that the average women is ‘on a diet’ for 30 years of their life. There is no need for it to drag on for this bleedin long.

It’s a difficult goal, but achievable if you break it up into steps.

Put it to bed and get the job done so you can get on with enjoying your life again.

Brenda struggled with her last three stone for 40 years until she joined the slimming club.

But I want to draw your attention to the point I want to make:

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

We often think that asking for help is a sign of weakness.

Its not, quite the opposite, it takes strength to ask for help.

We all struggle, we all get overwhelmed and we all need help.

“Acknowledging you need help is not a sign of weakness, but struggling alone is a choice to grow weak.”

Ask for help, especially if you have struggled with the same goal for a long time.

It doesn’t have to take 50 years for you to reach your goal.

By the way Brenda says she now maintains her size 10 size by

“strict eating, long walks and home exercises”

I say good for her!

Thanks for reading,


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