Confidence is must to achieve success in your life. You need the courage to face your fears and to conquer them. Believe in yourself – faith in yourself means trust in yourself.

Self Confidence is closely related to self esteem . It is an external behavior that stems from a high self esteem .

Self-confidence means believing in yourself that you can be effective in the world, feeling able to cope with the world's challenges to attain goals.

Here are 7 ways to improve your self confidence :-

Believe in Yourself: First step is believing in yourself. It is your duty to take duty for your own values and self-concept, trust in your ability, skill, capacity and interest.

Affirm Yourself: We appear to act as per our own picture of ourselves. Adjust how you see yourself, to make this permanent! These are optimistic & uplifting remarks that we tell ourselves to make. To get your brain accept this quickly, phrase your affirmations as questions such as “Why am I so good in cooking ?” instead of “I am so good in cooking

Do one thing that scares you everyday: Overcome the insecurity by coming up against it! Do something that has you nervous! Your self-confidence will skyrocket! Face your insecurity and get out of your comfort zones!

Help someone: It helps us to forget ourselves, and to be thankful for what we have. When you can make a difference for someone else it feels amazing. Assist, teach or volunteer mentoring to immediately see your faith rise.

Shift to equality mentality: See yourself as being fair to everything. People with low self-confidence still find others more worthy and stronger. Make this mental change to see you improve your self-esteem and confidence.

Display Success Symbols: Surround yourself with certificates and images that remind you of your own accomplishments. Build a separate room for displaying your symbols inside your building. As someone with repeated successes in life, this will keep you inspired.

Keep your Agreements: This is one of the most overlooked ways to boost and build your self esteem . Every commitment you make is for yourself even though it includes others. If you don't follow through, you'll lose self-confidence and trust.

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Author's Bio: 

Steve Scott is a personal business coach, author and speaker.An entrepreneur for most of his career, his experience includes ,retail, service, manufacturing and international. He brings a diverse background and experience to his clients which run the spectrum from individuals to small business to large corporations.