The people who are most qualified to provide stop smoking help are people who have been through it before. They know the love for cigarettes that you have, and they know how hard it is to live without them. They also know what worked and didn’t work when they were trying to quit. Keep in mind that not everyone quits in the same manner and what works for one person may not work for another, but by arming yourself with as much information as possible, you will be more likely to succeed.

Quitting smoking is a lifelong quest for many people. They may quit one day, yet wake up day after day still wanting a cigarette. Every day is a struggle not to light up. But, if you go into your attempt at quitting, knowing that it won’t be easy you will be less likely to succumb to the cravings when your body tells you to smoke.

The majority of quit smoking tips are fabulous to read but not so practical when it comes to quitting. Following a tip that tells you in different ways that you need to be sincere and determined about quitting will hardly do you any good. To quit successfully and for a long term, you need some tips that may help you stop smoking without either trivializing or idealizing this dangerous addiction. Let’s have a look at some tips that are practical and effective in controlling addiction among smokers.

1. Understand the law of addiction

  • Cigarettes can be your best friend in times of difficulties, stress , or anxieties. But do you feel like smoking when you are extremely happy and free from any worries? Chances are very high that you don’t. Law of addiction can explain this phenomenon very well. Any form of addiction has a negative intensifier attached to it. Put simply, you don’t get addicted to bread and butter, but you do get addicted to alcohol. Wonder why? This is because bread and butter are taken for satisfying physical hunger. Once taken, your hunger goes away and you don’t feel like eating until hungry again. But an addictive substance like alcohol can intensify your cravings for more, putting you in a negative loop of desire-consummation-desire. Nicotine can do the same thing to you, making it difficult for you to stop addiction.
  • 2. Personalize your plan for quitting

  • Many people who want to quit smoking tend to believe that some kind of general rule is there to quit. The reality is different. You must understand that each individual has different ways and means to achieve something or let something go. So it is advisable that you personalize your plan for quitting. Keep a diary and write down why you want to stop smoking. Is it because you smell bad, or is your money going down the drain? Also, you can make some changes in your eating habit to stay away from cigarettes. For example, if you are used to taking a cup of coffee every morning followed by smoking a cigarette, switch to a glass of milk instead. The effects of taste are different with milk and you may not like smoking as much after a glass of milk as you do after a cup of coffee.
  • 3. Stop judging yourself all the time

  • Excessive self-judgment can be as problematic an addiction as smoking itself is. The reason is fairly simple: when you judge yourself too much and become critical about the smallest of issues, you tend to become very conscious about your every action, speech and body language . It can raise a war between your spontaneous self and your conscious self, resulting in you seeking an escape route through smoking.
  • 4. Herbal Supplement

  • One natural way to quit smoking is by using a well-known herbal supplement called St. Johns Wort. This herbal has long been used to help people overcome depression , and in the last several years it has also been shown to help people overcome the very real cravings that a smoker experiences when they try to get off cigarettes. Because the cravings are so strong and so often lead people to failure in their quest to stop smoking, the benefits of using St. Johns Wort can be significant.
  • 5. Try a Holistic Approach

  • A holistic approach requires to you focus on being a healthier person overall and can be a good way to stop smoking. Apart from diet and exercise , a holistic approach often incorporates meditation and stress control techniques which can be very helpful in reducing your cravings for cigarettes. Plus, by living a healthier lifestyle you may develop additional motivation to stay away from the cigarettes simply because they do not fit in with your new way of life.
  • 6. Never lose Hope

  • Most smokers fail 3 or 4 times before they manage to quit for good. Do not dwell on failure. Instead, look at failure as a learning process and use it to improve next time you try quitting smoking. It may take you multiple attempts but as long as you have the desire to keep trying you will get there.
  • 7. Think about other People

  • Smoking is very harmful to those around you. If you value the health of your family this may be something you wish to consider. Instead of quitting smoking for personal reasons why not quit for the benefit of your children or your partner?
  • Conclusion Giving up smoking is one of the most challenging things some people will ever do. Sometimes a little guidance and support are required. If you are struggling to stop smoking, then this article gives that to you.

    Author's Bio: 

    Juvy Ann is a passionate Author, Life Coach, & Internet Marketer who resides and writes in the Philippines. Currently, she serves as the CEO for IWorld Vision Trading, Inc.

    Both persistent and driven, Juvy Ann has dedicated a lot of her time to learning all-things business and has been an ambitious entrepreneur since 2012.

    Juvy Ann holds a B.S. in Accounting. Additionally, she is the member of the Marine Life Protection Association.

    When she isn’t writing, Juvy Ann enjoys going on adventures and traveling. She is also a coffee aficionado. Most importantly, she enjoys spending quality time with her wonderful family. Jo is happily married and a proud mother of 1 beautiful child.

    Along with crafting stories, Jo is presently completing her training to become a motivational speaker.