7 Best Link Building Strategies For 2019
Every business wants to rank on top of search engines. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. With increasing competition and rapidly changing search algorithms, securing the top spot for relevant keywords is not that easy. SEO has drastically changed and backlinks are no longer as important as they used to, but that does not mean that you should ignore link building altogether.All you have to do is to supplement your link building efforts with other activities as well. If you are interested in learning how to build backlinks the right way in 2019 then, this article is for you. In this article, you will learn about new link building strategies that you have not tried before.

1.Publish Original Research

There is no denying the fact that research and surveys require more resources such as time and money to conduct but they can also serve as a continuous stream of backlinks. When you publish original research, many bloggers and media outlets can use your research as a reference. If your research has some eye-opening findings, it has a brighter chance of getting cited by a reputable source. This will increase your brand exposure and establish you as an authority in your industry. You can also reach out to media outlets to mention your research and survey findings. The advantage of publishing original research clearly outweighs the time and money you spend in conducting it, so you should always consider it as a useful strategy to build links.

2. Use Skyscrapper Technique

If you want to get backlinks from authoritative sites, there is no better way to do that than to use the skyscraper technique. First coined by the founder of Backlinko, Brian Dean, the skyscraper technique is the system of converting your content into a stream of high-quality backlinks. Start off by finding content in your niche which is already doing well. These blog posts might be generating thousands of backlinks, getting tons of traffic, and a lot of social shares. All you have to do is to create something 10 times better. Promote your skyscraper content on different platforms and to people who you have linked to your content. When you publish skyscraper content, you can not only rank higher but can attract more backlinks and get more social shares too.

3. Help Out A Reporter

One area that SEO professionals ignore while building backlinks is news sites. They focus mainly on niche-blogs and miss out on great link building opportunities from those authoritative news sources. Backlinks from reliable news sources are as effective for your SEO efforts as niche blogs. If you think that it is difficult to get backlinks from highly rated news sites, then think again. HARO (Help A Reporter Out) makes this a breeze.It is a platform that links journalists with potential sources of news reports. All you have to do is to sign up and get emails about contribution opportunities from different reporters three times a day. When you find a contribution opportunity that appeals to your interest, pitch to the reporter highlighting the value of your news story. Build relationships with top-media executives and reporters in your industry and connect with them on other social media channels as well.

4. Write Evergreen Content Around Classic Keywords

The content you publish today will go obsolete a few months down the line. Yes, you can update it to keep it relevant and fresh. Ever wished you don’t have to do all that and your content stays as relevant as it was when you first published it? The easiest way to ensure that is to pen down content that never goes out of style. For instance, weight loss is an infallible keyword for the health and fitness industry. Identify such keywords in your niche and write exceptional content around it. Unlike other types of content which only stay relevant for a limited time, evergreen content never becomes stale, and you will keep getting backlinks and traffic to that post.

5. Publish In-Depth Guides

Detailed guides are link magnets and attract tons of links. If you are not sure about the type of content which would get more backlinks, detail guides are the best option. These guides are a great way to get backlinks naturally without asking for it. Conduct extensive research and include everything a person wants to know about a particular topic in the guide. It should be so thorough that they won’t have to read anything else after reading your guide. Yes, these long-form content pieces might require more time and cost to complete but they can pay rich dividends in the long run, helping you acquire more backlinks and rank higher on search engines.

6. Focus on Brand Mentions

If you write high-quality content, there are chances that someone will mention you in their blog post but won’t link to you. This is what we call an unlinked brand mention. Apart from linked brand mentions, search engines also consider unlinked brand mentions as a ranking factor these days. If you are too inclined to get a backlink for your brand mention, you can easily do that by sending an email to a person who have mentioned you in their blog post but have not linked back to your site, and request them for a backlink.

7. Bring Dead-Links To Life

Broken links and dead links are also a great way to get high-quality backlinks to your site. Start off by finding a web design agency London in your niche that has either moved to a new URL, changed their name, stopped updating a resource or stopped offering a service. Next, find web pages still pointing to outdated URLs. Contact people that are still linking to the outdated resource and ask them to link to your website. This way, you can get backlinks without any hassle. Look for websites that have high domain authority when looking for dead links.
How do you build backlinks in 2019? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section below.

Author's Bio: 

I'm Umar Hussain blogger from Pakistan. I'm writing on different topics since 2011. Writing reading and learning is my passion. I'm looking forward to the beautiful fall weather in Karachi, Pakistan. Learn more about me https://www.facebook.com/Umarhussainofficial/