Are you feeling stuck when it comes to growing your business? Were you feeling frustrated with a lack of revenue and cash flow this summer?

I like to keep things simple so here are 60 ways that you can grow your business before Christmas – it’s not complicated but it does take action. You may be familiar with some of these basic action steps and yet you just haven’t implemented; you may not have heard of some of these things – in which case, just be sure to ask.

Whatever your exposure has been, just know that these are some of the basic steps I have implemented to be where I am now – tracking towards multiple 6-figures this year. If they worked for me, they can most certainly work for you.

1. Be very clear about the WHY of your business.
2. Get very clear about who needs you most.
3. Where do ‘they’ hang out?
4. Fine-tune your networking skills.
5. Create a plan.
6. Work the plan!
7. Identify your revenue target for the year – then break it down (monthly, weekly, daily).
8. Get a big wall calendar and mark in key dates (your birthday being THE most important).
9. Get passionate about what you do!
10. Tell your face!
11. Create a results-based statement to use in introductions.
12. Have a business card (and carry them with you)!
13. Include your social media contact information on your business card.
14. Get involved in social media.
15. Hire a social media VA and let her do the work for you.
16. Get ‘out there’ in a big way – get known, be seen.
17. Always give 2 business cards to people who ask – 1 for them to keep, and 1 for them to give away.
18. Get to every networking event you can.
19. Have a plan before going to the networking event – goal set to meet ‘x’ number of people.
20. Get lots of sleep – it takes lots of energy to reach your goals.
21. Back away from the computer (the blackberry, the I-Phone, …..all of that!) a minimum of 4 hours before bed. Clear your head. Wind down.
22. Eat properly.
23. Exercise .
24. Come from an Abundance Mentality (a Scarcity Mentality sucks your energy!)
25. Look for JV (Joint Venture) partners.
26. Collaborate.
27. Find opportunities to speak at events.
28. Prepare a signature talk. (I can help!)
29. Include an ‘offer’ in your signature talk.
30. Master the presentation of your signature talk.
31. Get paid for speaking!
32. Be sure to do follow-up after every event – no later than 48 hours following the event.
33. Call your “A’ clients and ask for referrals.
34. Ask for written testimonials and use them in your marketing.
35. Get a You Tube account.
36. Post videos on YouTube. (search engines love this!)
37. Write a weekly e-zine and be consistent with it.
38. Repurpose your ezine article to article marketing sites.
39. Send a weekly ‘tip’ to your list.
40. Organize your time.
41. Begin each day with a revenue-generating activity.
42. Get serious about your business instead of just ‘being busy’.
43. Cluster your ‘out of office’ appointments – maximize your time.
44. Sign up as an affiliate for other people’s programs (ones you respect!).
45. Promote those programs and earn affiliate commissions.
46. Consolidate your written articles by themes and create an e-book .
47. Only ‘do’ your talent.
48. Delegate and outsource everything else.
49. Hire a VA – now!
50. Have a website and ensure it is SEO friendly.
51. Schedule Google Alerts for speaking engagements,
52. Respond on people’s blogs.
53. Have a business line on your phone.
54. Ensure your voicemail message is powerful, brief and explains what you do – then invite them to your website.
55. Celebrate your successes on a weekly basis – boost your self-confidence.
56. Raise your rates.
57. Systematize everything.
58. Only check e-mail 3x a day – first thing in the morning (to see if any appointments have been changed), noon and end of day. Keep in mind that e-mail is someone else’s agenda!
59. Ask for referrals. Always!
60. Find a business coach !

SO? What are you waiting for – want to grow your business before Christmas? Then start working this list!

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as one of the voices for women's entrepreneurial success. After leaving her 22-year marriage with virtually nothing, and moving across the country at age 55 to start a new life, she re-launched her coaching and speaking business - taking it from zero and growing it into a multiple 6-figure home-based business. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise when it comes to marketing, mindset and money!
Pat has been featured as an expert in both print media and on TV. She was nominated as one of the 2010 and 2011 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneurs of the Year; as well, Pat has been nominated for the Chatelaine magazine “Woman of the Year for 2011”. Pat is Founder of Wealthy Women Leaders, and provides business and success advice and resources to clients around the world.
Pat is the author of "The 7-Step Guide To Growing Your Business by Getting Out of Your Own Way ", teaching women entrepreneurs how to get their message out, close the sale, enjoy massive results, and create some simple systems and processes for success!
Through her coaching programs and products, Pat teaches her clients how to experience freedom inside and out and create the life they truly want to live, now! It's a 'no-excuses' approach! You can reach her at