You can shortage your customers in countless ways. For example you do not know exactly where the needs are, unprofessional or bad communicates. If you call a company, you expect a certain quality of service. Are these expectations not met? Then something goes wrong.

Short waiting times, easy navigation and good call quality are basic expectations that customers count on when they contact a professional company. Pay attention to these six annoyances of customers and how you can prevent them!

You make it too difficult for your customers to contact your company.

Phone calls that fall away or falter. A big damper for your customer because you make it impossible for the customer to communicate with you. Because (potential) customers who can not reach you well at the first contact attempt, hang up and do not ring again. This costs guaranteed turnover.

Customers are on hold for hours in your business telephone exchange

Nobody likes to wait, but waiting while calling is still much less fun. With more than 70% of business calls you are put on hold. The length of the waiting time can then make or break the conversation with the customer. If it takes too long, many people hang up on the phone and thus you might miss an important conversation!

You can also set a limit. Have the customer end up in a voicemail box after a number of minutes set by you and ensure that the caller is called back within a certain time limit. Or use alternative means of communication such as e-mail or Whatsapp during peak times. This allows you to notice that you respect the precious time of the customer.

Your customers get bored on holdIt may sound strange to 'entertain' your customers while waiting. Yet this is a good way to make the waiting time a bit more bearable. For example, by setting music on hold or a personal message. Research has proven that waiting 30 seconds for waiting music, for the caller feels like waiting 15 seconds. As a result, the customer enters the conversation a lot more positively!

You give irrelevant or outdated informationThe commercial message in your telephone system can also have a disadvantage. Is the message relevant to all your customers? Of course, the mentioned action or business information must be relevant. You may want to have a commercial message delivered during the day and a message with the opening hours after closing time of the office . Think carefully about this beforehand.

The caller ends up in an unclear choice menu mazeThe fact that a customer calls you already shows that he is struggling for you. The last thing you want is to scare the caller through a maze of menu options. You prevent this by creating a clear telephone tree or call plan.

Some tips to avoid negative experiences with the choice menu:

  • No more than 5 options per menu.
  • An option that immediately connects the caller to a person.
  • Enable a professional telephone voice.
  • The ability to play the menu again.

An impersonal bubble experience
You understand: if you have not set up the telephony properly, this can lead to reputational damage. Customer success is not achieved automatically with the right technology, but also with the correct use of that technology. Use the best Panasonic Phones Dubai and test your own telephone system regularly by calling your own company and keep track of the statistics within your business telephone exchange environment. Only then can you monitor and adjust where necessary!

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones