A heavy pain in head can affect your sleep at night or worse. Dehydration, stress, tension, a hangover, or many more can be the reason for your headache. Whenever headache strikes, all you want to do is zap the pain away- and fast.

There are many pills available to treat pain but sometime it may have side effects. Practicing yoga regularly help you to stay fit and health. In fact, yoga could help you get rid of that headache for good. Main reason of headache is tension and stress, that you might experience at work especially. Yoga helps to release tension and stress in the body. Few yoga asanas are designed to gently stretch and open the areas in your body such as neck, shoulders or back, while circulating blood to your head.

Here are 5 asanas that might help you get rid of headache

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

The Dolphin pose which is also known as Ardha Pincha Mayurasana, is slightly similar to the Adho Mukha Svanasana. This asana gives your back and neck a good stretch and also allows blood flow in the brain. Always remember to take a deep breaths while practicing this pose, and just let your head hand between your shoulders. Additional blood flow to the head provided by this pose can give a relieve to your headache.

Also read: Yoga Asanas for Full Body Pain Relief

Supta Virasana

If you are feeling headache due to stress then Supta Virasana works best on it. This asana will help you stretch your back and shoulders to release trapped stress. This pose will give you instant satisfaction on your stress and cure your headache.

Viparita Karani

This asana might look complicated but gently stretches the muscles in your neck and relaxes you at the same time. Sit on one end of a mat with your right hip touching a wall. Lean back, turn to lie flat on the mat, and extend your legs up the wall. Make sure your butt is nearly touching the wall and your legs are placed together. Put your hands on your belly or rest them on the mat, then close your eyes, relax your jaw and drop your chin slightly. Breathe slowly and deeply in this position for 3 to 10 minutes.

Ananda Balasana

Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby Pose works best if you think your headache might be stemmed from the back pain that is radiating up your spine. Lie on your back with your knees bent, holding on to your thighs or the outside edges of your feet. You can slowly rock from side to side to increase the stretch in your hips and lower back, and to gently lull your mind into a state of relaxation .

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Shavasana is great for stress, aches and pain. This pose looks like sleeping pose. It is very simple and everyone can perform it. Shavasana needs lots of concentration. So, if you have a headache and feel totally drained out, try out this asana.

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