When you are an entrepreneur, most of the time, it is you and you alone who is doing all the work, and this means taking on many different types of jobs. After a while, you can find yourself becoming less and less productive, because there are so many things that you have to do. It is a really good idea to try and leverage technology to save yourself time and money, and you will be able to concentrate on things you may have been letting slip by because you just didn't have the time. Here are five ways that technology can help boost your productivity :

Have a Smartphone, and use the apps:There are all kinds of great Smartphones out there, with many brand names to choose from. This is an excellent business tool to have, because there are all kinds of things that you will be able to do right from your phone, which means that you can do them anywhere, and at any time. This is going to save you a lot of time, and make things a lot easier for you.

Use CRM software :This is software that you can use to track of information about leads. You can use it to help make changes about your leads, track conversion rates, schedule follow-ups, and much, much more. It makes keeping track of all of your prospects much simpler, and makes it easier for you to be consistent. You will know what each customer has purchased, which will help in up-selling. You can always know your marketing numbers, and all kinds of other things that are going to make your life easier.

VoIP is technology entrepreneurs can really use:One of the biggest problems many business owners have had in the past is the fact that some of their clients are not nearby, and it required long-distance calling to speak with them, or travel. With Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows you to make calls via your computer, with absolutely no long-distance charges. This can really save you a lot of money over time, and it makes it a lot easier to be able to contact clients at any time, day or night. One option you may want to use is Skype, or if you also want to train staff and hold webinars, Go To Meeting is an excellent program to use.

Have remote access:You never know when you are going to be away from your important files. Sure, everyone carries a laptop around these days, but this can really be a pain, and something that many business owners don't want to bother with. You can use remote access programs, which are very inexpensive, that will allow you to log into any computer and be able to access your information.

Cloud computing is the new thing:There are a number of programs that will help save you time and money, which as we all know is important for any business. Something that is becoming extremely popular is cloud computing, and there are a variety of software packages you can use, such as Fresh Books . You can use cloud computing to store and share files with anyone, anywhere in the world, and you can even work together and hold meetings, even if you are thousands of miles apart. This is just one more way that technology can make your life as a business owner a lot easier.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew McCombe is the owner of Activate Your Business where they teach new and existing business owners to Start, Grow and / or Automate their business(es) with EASE, so they can live a life of EASE. For more information visit http://www.activateyourbusiness.com.au