Maintaining your ceiling is not a hard task and neither is it time-consuming. However, it is something to think about and practice. Simply cleaning them will not cut it; in fact, that is only the start. There is so much more you need to do to keep the ceiling intact and the need for calling a ceiling contractor in Perth at bay. This is especially applicable to older homes, as they are more prone to aging and related defects. Therefore, they need more care and regular maintenance. Here are five tips to help you do the same:

1. Heed the signs

The first thing to do with your ceiling is to see if there is any serious issue. There are a few signs that will indicate that a little more than basic maintenance is required. Crack marks, sagging, bubbling, and cracking sounds are some of these signs. Ignoring these can cause your ceiling to collapse an expensive affair, indeed.

2. Clean the ceiling

Ceilings can get dirty too with bugs, pest, and cobwebs detracting its appearance. You will need to clean them regularly (dry or wet) to stop the color from fading. However, before cleaning, make sure you are using the right method according to your ceiling type. Water and vacuum are common cleaning methods.

3. Restore the uniqueness

Some ceilings have rose works or cornices that beautify the whole house. However, over time, these can crack, peel, and chip. You can retain the look by restoring them with the help of a restoration expert. These experts can repaint and seamlessly match the original, making it seem untouched.

4. Paint maintenance

You may have gotten the most premium-quality paint for your house, but even they have an expiration date. No paint will stay beyond 10 years, after which you will need to repaint it. When cracks and damage appear, you may be tempted to paint over them; however, finding the right shade maybe tough. When you do have your house repainted, have them sand first.

5. Battle the mold

Mold growth is something every homeowner has to deal with. These grow quickly and affect the health of the people living in the property. If you catch mold on your ceiling, it may be an indication of an underlying issue like a leak. Therefore, cleaning the growth and fixing the root cause is necessary.


Ceiling health is important to ensure that your house and the people living in it are safe. It is easy to maintain them with regular cleaning and keeping a close eye on any issue. Doing restorations and repainting, when needed, will allow you to keep your ceiling protected from damage and prevent collapse and costly repairs.

Author's Bio: 

Caitlyn Bell is an Arts student whose experiences in life make her really tougher than anyone else. She can lend you expert tips on diverse topics ranging from relationship to fashion, making money, health, and so on.