You put a lot of time into writing your blog posts – heck, you spend a lot of time just figuring out what to write about – so you want to make sure your blog gets opened and read. Here are 5 tips to make sure your audience will want to read yours.
#1. Ignite the Spark.
It can take time to come up with a relevant topic (and “relevance” is key) so do your homework. Research what your audience wants to read about then make it interesting.
It can help to subscribe to similar blogs and create a “sample” file where you search for topic inspirations. That doesn’t mean copying what they write (not cool)…but instead look for the spark that triggers an idea you can work with, especially one that you can create a unique twist to the subject matter or tie it in with something going on within your industry, your community, or perhaps a global trend.
#2. Do Not Sell!
Your blog is a place to give new insights. Share ideas. Inspire others. Educate. It is not a place to sell – that is the purpose of an advertorial.
There is nothing worse than reading a great article that has given you a plethora of new insights, only to discover half way through that the author has duped you and turned the content into a blatant advertisement. You no longer trust anything you just read and will probably never read anything from this author again.
#3. Write Well.
Yes, proof reading and editing are important. Read your article out loud – backwards, even – to ensure there are no mistakes, or least minimal typos.
• Bold your subheadings.
• Use bulleted points.
• Write short paragraphs.
• Keep sentences short.
• Include keywords so your blog will be found online.
And be creative! Paint a picture for your reader by using specific words to describe settings and characters. Instead of saying, “the building was very tall,” tell the reader exactly how tall: “The building was ten stories high.”
Eliminate weedy words, which waste space, such as just, very, really, some, certainly, etc.
#4. Give Your Article a Great Title!
Just imagine you’ve picked up your favourite magazine. The first thing you do is open it up to the index page and scan the titles. The title that jumps out at you first, is the article you’ll read first – it has impact.
Make sure the title of your blog post jumps off the page – or off the screen – so it gets read first!
#5. You Don’t Have To Be a Writer.
This may sound odd, but if you can talk you can write. Remember, you’re sharing a story. But you may not have time in your schedule to write – so hire a ghostwriter! A good ghostwriter will write in your voice so it sounds like you’ve written it, it will say you’ve written in, and you will be gain expert status to help your business.
The key with writing articles is be known for your expertise…to be remembered when your prospect is finally ready to buy your product or service…and to help drive traffic to your Web site – so keep your blog active.
Susan Regier, owner of Vantage One Writing, is an in-demand copywriter, marketing strategist, and business breakthrough specialist to serious entrepreneurs who want to have a profitable business they are passionate about. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that can ignite sales and profits for her clients. Claim your free guide: 15 Tips to Increase Your Influence, Attract More Clients & Make More Money at .