Weight loss is a process that sometimes doesn't happen as fast as you would like it. However, even though it can be normal to lose weight really slowly, sometimes it's a sign that there are other factors affecting the process. It may be something that you're doing wrong or that you are suffering from a condition that affects the results. Whatever it is, you need to become aware of it so that the weight loss goes as smoothly as possible.

1. Lack of sleep

Some research has shown that people who sleep 6 hours a day or less have more trouble losing weight. There are several reasons behind this. First of all, losing sleep can make you feel hungry even if that's not the case. Secondly, the lack of sleep may affect the production of cortisol, which is a hormone responsible for regulating your appetite . Lastly, if you feel tired because you are sleep-deprived, you are more likely to skip exercise or be less active throughout the day. And let's not forget the fact that we usually feel cranky and anxious when we're tired, which makes us eat more and be less attentive to our diet .

2. The stress

Stress is the cause of many problems, so it's no wonder it also affects your weight loss. When you're stressed out, the production of cortisol is increased, increasing also your appetite and the abdominal fat storage. Many people also feel strong cravings when they're stressed, especially for food high in fat and sugar. Stress can also make you unwilling to go exercising, which prevents you from burning excess calories. The best way to fight depression is to find a form of meditation that suits you. Practice it every day for at least 10 minutes, If you're not the meditation type, then simply find 15 minutes every day to spend in silence or doing something that relaxes you.

3. Eating too much

Sometimes it's simply about the number of calories you eat on daily basis. The most important rule of weight loss is: you must burn more calories than you intake. However, it can sometimes be a problem if your stomach is simply used to getting more food than it actually needs and it's hard for you to control your appetite and cravings. If eating too much is too big of an issue for you, then you should consider a weight loss procedure that will help you eat less. If you don't know a lot about this type of procedures, it's best to check out the benefits of gastric sleeve or lap band surgery on reliable sites like Central Coast Surgery and get your answers. The harder approach is to keep a track of how many calories you eat. First, you should keep a food diary and be specific about your portions, nutritional information and food labels on everything that you eat. Secondly, you need to analyze your diet in means of breaking down different nutrients to find out where you can reduce calories and what your bad habits are.

4. Not enough exercise

Even if you exercise regularly, it's sometimes possible not to notice any changes in your weight. It's necessary to identify what the problem is and if you are exercising enough. As a general guide, a 60-90 minutes exercise each day is recommended if you want to lose weight. In case you are doing high-intensity training, then 30 minutes is enough to achieve the same result. So, you need to pinpoint whether you should increase your workout time and intensity to achieve your weight loss goals or you should change the goals to be in accordance with your exercise type.

It's also very effective if you try to be more active throughout the day - sit less frequently in front of the TV, walk more and drive less, have a long walk with a friend instead of sitting and drinking coffee.

5. Medical condition

Sometimes, it's not about what you're doing wrong but it's about being unaware of a certain medical condition you have. There are some conditions that have been linked to weight gain, such as thyroid conditions but also many medications, The medications you should watch out for are beta-blockers for treating high pressure, medications for treating diabetes, corticosteroid medications, as well as some antidepressant and antipsychotic medications.

Final comment

Weight loss takes a lot of patience, no matter how dedicated and disciplined you are. Do your best to identify if you're doing anything wrong. Only when you're sure you are doing everything by the book will you be relaxed enough to focus on the weight loss without necessary stress and anger.

Author's Bio: 

Mia Johnson is a freelance writer with a ten-year long career in journalism. She has written extensively about health, fitness, and lifestyle. A native to Melbourn, she now lives in Sidney with her 3 dogs where she spends her days writing and taking care of her 900 square feet garden.