Success...Everybody wants to have it though sadly many people struggle attaining it.

I would like to share with you a few key ingredients that I know from my own experience will equip you for true success throughout your life. This information pertains to success in every area of your life... school, relationships, health and physical fitness , and wealth attraction. So, drop the bag of chips and put down the X-box... this information can truly transform your entire life.

You must unplug from your iPod and stop playing video games long enough to sit down in a quiet place and think. Yes... I said think. You must take some time thinking of the goals you want to achieve. Be specific with this exercise. If you want to make an A in your math class... then you must first envision what that is going to look like and what is it going to feel like. You must have the vision of what you want to accomplish before you will ever achieve it! This can be done in every area of your life. See yourself improving your physical fitness... see yourself living a life of abundance in every way! Again, you must have the vision first!


Now that you can see yourself achieving specific goals in your life, you must now create a plan for success. What are you going to do on a consistent basis that will ensure your success? Are you going to study each and every night for that Math class? Are you going to ask your teacher for extra help if need be? Are you going to change your daily food routine at school... instead of drinking Cokes and eating chips all day... you're going to drink more water and try eating almonds? You must formulate a specific plan and please stay consistent!This is a vital ingredient because many people know they want to go from point A to point B but they aren't sure how to do that...they quit before they see major change or they just don't have a plan. This is why a plan is extremely important for you success!


You have your vision and a plan... so now what? Get ready for Action! Begin moving your body and work your plan. This ingredient takes just a dreamer and transforms him into a successful achiever in every area of his life. Many people have the vision and formulate a plan and then... do nothing with it. These are the individuals that you hear about when life has passed them by and they are always saying, "If I had only studied a little bit more in school or I should have exercised more or I should have started my own business when I was young."Don't let this be you! Take action today and attack your plan with everything the good Lord has given you.


I want you to get up early tomorrow morning and begin walking . As you are breathing in the fresh air deep into your lungs, think about all the wonderful blessings you have in your life right now! Give thanks for the present... and then begin to give thanks for all the things that are coming your way. All of the success you have envisioned for the future... be thankful for it NOW...not later. This will increase your abundant living in every way. Try it... you will most definitely be empowered!


Always remember to give back. Once you begin to achieve all that you desire... don't forget to help others discover their true passion in life as well. Your success can be a blueprint or road map, if you will, to help direct others along their life journey. Remember... we are in this together... if we help each other... we can all achieve our goals in life. Mentoring someone not only helps them but it also gives you truly a rewarding feeling in your own life. So, please don't get so "successful" that you forget to help others!

It is my intention that you implement these "5" key ingredients into your own life and embrace the transformation !

Remember...God Blesses You! Don't forget to have some fun along the journey!


Matthew R. Flinton, M.Ed.

Author's Bio: 

Mr. Flinton has worked in public schools as a teacher, coach, school administrator and consultnat. He is also the author of " Xtreme Teen Success... Empowering Principles to Ensure Every Child's Success!" and " Xtreme Power... Discover Your Destined Power and Strength!"
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