9 out of 10 businesses make it past their first year. Why does this happen? 90% of people? It's not that there is anything wrong with these people, that they can't do it, are not smart enough, or any of that. I know one thing for sure, a person is not given the desire for something without the tools to make it manifest. So what's the problem?

When someone dreams of having their own business, most of the time they are seeking one thing above all, and that is freedom. We all have a desire for freedom inside of us. We want to do what we want, when we want and how we want. In this day and age when we need to earn money to eat and live comfortably, we dream of how we can do that and have this freedom we desire, as well as a way to express our gifts and talents.

My job is to help more people succeed with their own business so that they can have this freedom they desire. Through my work with people, there are 4 things that contribute to the shocking 90% failure statistic more than anything else I've seen, and that is

o No clear vision

o Poor time management skill

o poor money management skills

o Limiting beliefs (unsupportive subconscious programming)

A vision dictates what you do today, without it you are floundering - literally. Your vision can and most likely will change, but it's essential to always have one in business. "I want to be happy" is not a vision. "I want to be rich" is not a vision. It's too general and doesn't tell you exactly what you need to do today. In 6 months I want 15 coaching clients, a two week vacation to the south of France, 3 chapters into my book, and exercising 5 days per week. Now, you know what to do today. You know what to schedule, what to build up to. Your action steps become clear.

Time management is another loaded term that brings up different images for everyone. This is really about structuring your day so that your time is spent productively. We typically get interrupted every 1 -4 minutes with phone calls, email, or some kind of a self-inflicted interruption. This is a skill set that can be learned, and can make your life so much easier. Time management is much different when you have your own business than when you have a job, it's really about "self" management.

Money management is also much different in the life of an entrepreneur , and without being taught how many people will run out of money very quickly. We are not taught how to manage money, and frankly if you don't know how you will never be able to build wealth for yourself. This is an essential skill.

Limiting beliefs is what essentially keeps you stuck in old patterns that do not serve your life anymore. All behavior originates from a belief. "A belief creates a thought, a thought becomes your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits , your habits become your values, and your values become your destiny." Gandhi said that. Pretty smart guy.

What do you do then?

Education and practice. This is really the key. Let go of the "I know that" syndrome, and become a student. When you do this, you are open to help and support, new ideas and new ways of doing things. When you become an entrepreneur if you go into it wide eyed and curious, ask a lot of questions, and have a willingness to try on new ways of thinking, being, and doing - then you're setting yourself up for greatness.

Limiting beliefs can be a tricky thing. The subconscious is a powerful supercomputer, and when it is programmed full of limiting beliefs such as "I'm not worthy of good things in life" or "Life is hard and full of struggle" or "Only greedy people have money", this becomes your reality. This will color your perceptions so that you only will see what matches this belief. A method that I practice and fully endorse for helping you "reprogram" your subconscious mind with positive, empowering beliefs is PSYCH-K.

This can literally save you years of effort: trying to do something that does not match what is programmed feels like an effort and can feel like you're walking up hill in 2 feet of snow to make a change.

Author's Bio: 

Anastasia Netri, the business building expert and “Glass ceiling buster” is the founder of ALN Enterprises, a company that helps conscientious women leaders get more yes's, help more people, and make more money.

She has a passion for helping women move into more powerful leadership roles so they can help the world evolve, build community, and experience true human potential.

Anastasia calls herself a spiritual teacher who works through the lens of business building. She specializes in totally inspirational, non-fear based marketing, and teaches hundreds of entrepreneurs how to bring their clients to a full body YES!

Her website is: http://www.anastasia-netri.com .