Business growth is always a struggle, especially over the long term. Every company has its setbacks. Despite some of the great CEOs in business, nobody is right 100 percent of the time. When revenues seem to be stalled, the key to stimulating new growth is take a good, hard look at your situation and ask what your missed or where you failed, and why. Even if the reasons aren't so obvious, here are four tactics you can use to trigger new growth.

Imitate the Best

In modern business circles, this is often called "modeling", but comes down to the same principle. Identify who the top performers in your industry are and study them to figure out how they managed to get there. List their methods, value proposition, and marketing techniques. Then seek to emulate them in your own organization. Keep learning from the best, whether they realize it or not, and put your own spin on the methodology. Through keen observation, you'll discover strategies it took them years to perfect, while hopefully avoiding their mistakes.

Rebuild Your Team

You may or may not want to start pointing the finger and assigning blame, especially if everything is ultimately your own responsibility. Start by figuring out where you went wrong. Putting critical responsibilities on those who don't have the qualifications or experience is foolish. Micromanagement, hunches or assumptions, and slow decision-making are all signs of bad management. Focus on getting a team together that already has the expertise you need, and mold them to your message, not your way of doing things.

Reinvent Your Brand

Many gurus will tell you that consistency in your company brand is vital to growing market recognition. However, if that brand is no longer effective, or has led to negative reactions through failure or bad press, alterations are in order. You don’t necessarily have to change your logo or slogan, just the way you do business. Track your online mentions to gauge the effect, and solutions, of negative feedback. It’s necessary to identify issues before you can solve them.

Relocate for Traffic

For physically located, brick-and-mortar operations, location truly is the key to success. No matter what you invest in advertisements, your company must be easy to find and accessible to maximum traffic flows. If it isn’t, you may want to relocate. While this can be expensive, you can mitigate the cost by putting your current location up for sale. All property has intrinsic value. Talk to an experienced auction firm, like Metro Appraisal Associates , that specializes in liquidating commercial properties for optimal value.

Remember that building a successful company is often psychological. There has to be trust and commitment from your staff, your customers, and yourself.

Author's Bio: 

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She enjoys kayaking and reading books by the lake.