The 4-H program on Gabriola Island is one of our most vibrant and wholesome organizations dedicated to young people. The purpose of 4-H is to prepare our youth ages 8 - 18 for their future as adults and responsible citizens on Gabriola.

4-H stands for my Head to clearer thinking; my Heart to greater loyalty; my hands to larger service; and my health to better living. All in all, for my Club, my Community and my Country this is what 4-H on Gabriola is all about, and all about all over the world. The philosophy of the 4-H program is explained by the 4-H motto: Learn to do by Doing. The goal of the 4-H program is youth development. The objectives of 4-H clubs are knowledge, leadership, citizenship and personal development .

Most of the time, and especially on weekends, I can be showing real estate on Gabriola, properties, homes on Gabriola, acreage and waterfront on Gabriola. When the request came in asking if I would be a judge at the 4-H speakers Public Speaking program last Sunday, I said “Yes, would love, too”. This is my 2nd year as a judge. Six of us manned the tables likened to celebrity programs on TV, adjudicating speeches given by the juniors and the seniors of our Gabriola 4-H Club. Organizing such an event takes moxie, corralling youth and parents, with their families into our Roxy Theatre on Gabriola.

After a fairly gruelling 5 hours of speeches, judging, writing analysis and kudos for their hard work, my very favourite part of the day arrives. The 2-minute impromptu speech is where the tried and true and experienced 4-H’rs have a chance to collect their thoughts on a subject completely unknown to them, walk to the stage and start. A collective opening, exploratory, examples, and conclusion is what we are looking for. Not surprising, but also delightful, the best of all was a young man hell-bent-and-determined to be a skateboarder. Nothing in the world will outlive the true essence of passion for a subject. He won hands-down.

Sue Boulton is our 4-H head, surrounded by many of the parents and community of Gabriola. Between tending and caring for their pets , horses, cattle and events on and off Gabriola 4-H can fill your boots. Nonetheless, what I have seen is a great bunch of interested and interesting youth caring for each other as well as their community.

Here’s a sprinkling of events: On Sunday, March 13, the Gabriola 4-H Club gathered at Sue Boulton’s for a wet, windy, but successful Bottle Sort. A special thanks to all who donated bottles and cans, your generosity really made a difference. Two junior girls took advantage of their spring break by attending a horse camp at Cottonwood Stables. They learned a lot and had a great week, both the horses and the girls. Finally this past weekend a number of senior 4-H members went to “Surviving the Challenge”, a three-and-a-half day adventure camp on Vancouver Island zip lining, tree climbing and so much more. A good time was had! April 17th is a picture board event at the Agi Hall, showcasing each entrant’s particular subject. Judging this event I believe I will learn more and more about 4-H and our youth, and their chosen subjects. It’s all good!

In a broader context, 4-H’ers across the nation are responding to challenges every day in their communities and their world, not just on Gabriola.

It may surprise you as it did me, that this expansive network reaches every corner of the country, 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization. More than 6 million 4-H youth in urban neighbourhoods, suburban schoolyards and rural farming communities stand out among their peers: building revolutionary opportunities and implementing community-wide change at an early age. 4-H fosters an innovative, “learn by doing” approach with proven results. Youth Development at Tufts University, shows youth engaged with 4-H are: Nearly two times more likely to get better grades in school; Nearly two times more likely to plan to go to college; 41 percent less likely to engage in risky behaviours; and 25 percent more likely to positively contribute to their families and communities. An astounding 540,000 volunteers, 3,500 professionals, and more than 60 million alumni, the 4-H movement supports young people from elementary school through high school with programs designed to shape future leaders and innovators. Fuelled by research-driven programming, 4-H'ers engage in hands-on learning activities in the areas of science, citizenship and healthy living.

So in a nut-shell, if you are looking for a great place to live, family values, rural community and yet only 20 minutes by ferry to the city of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, maybe Gabriola Island is for you! Think about it. Health living, clean air, grow your own vegetables, talk to your neighbours and care about what happening in your worlds and others.

Author's Bio: 

Carol Martin can help you find that perfect place on Gabriola Island . Carol is a Licensed Realtor with the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board and a Member of the Better Business Bureau “Trusted Realtor”