Medicine today can treat countless conditions that were previously considered incurable or irreversible. The surgical and medical options for improving a patient’s condition are numerous, but many of them also include a plan for physical therapy. If that describes your course of treatment, it is important to remember these three things about your therapy process.

The Process is Gradual

Physical therapy can do wonders for your health, but it requires patience. That is a big adjustment for us in a world with so many quick fixes. As you go through therapy, remember that progress will be gradual. You may see some spans of time that don’t indicate much improvement. Remember during those times that you may also see rapid change in the near future. You’ve heard the expression that you’re running a marathon, not a sprint, and that is absolutely true of physical therapy. Stay the course and don’t get discouraged.

Your Overall Health Matters

Even the best physical therapy program will not help if you aren’t in the best possible health. That includes the health of body systems that may seem unrelated to the areas involved in therapy. For example, if you are diabetic and aren’t regulating your sugar properly, your body will struggle to build strength during therapy. Work with an integrated wellness clinic to be sure that you are addressing health needs beyond what your physical therapist is working with. This will help you make the most of your efforts at healing.

It Will Be Demanding

If you’ve ever pursued a goal of losing weight or building muscle, you know that you don’t move forward by doing the same amount of exercise you did last time. You must continuously push your boundaries. The basic concept of physical therapy is the same as it works to retrain your body to do things it can no longer do. The conditions that impair normal function are not easy to correct, so therapy must be fairly tough in order to be effective. Have a plan for easing sore joints and muscles after each session. Ask your therapist if there are any steps you can take ahead of time to ease the strain, and if you’re instructed to repeat exercises at home in between sessions, do it.

Physical therapy is a field with an amazing ability to improve countless conditions, but it is not a miracle cure. It takes time, persistence, patience, and attention to help you achieve your goals. When you stick with the program, you’ll get the best possible outcome.

Author's Bio: 

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.