Marketing on the internet is a relatively uncomplicated occupation that requires communicating to customers primarily through websites and sales copy. In fact the degree of success in business that you are able to achieve will be dependant upon your ability to continually improve your copy writing skills. But in order to improve these skills you first need to know what does NOT work.

Everything boils down to not only you writing good sales copy but also continually improving upon it.Following this pattern of reasoning it can therefore be said the 2 most important 'skills' needed to effectively promote online are:

Copy Writing

Your ability to effectively communicate or 'persuade' readers with the use of written words is the key to success in business online. Copy writing skills will be needed for your websites, blogs, email marketing, and sales pages you use to promote your product lines.

To persuade anybody you first need to know who it is you are directing your sales copy at so that you can better 'connect' with them. It is therefore necessary to gain an understanding of your target audience which in turn will help to make your copy writing efforts easier.


Split testing is a 'fail safe' method of making incremental changes that will consistently yield improvements. In order to write good sales copy you want to know what is and is NOT working. By 'testing' two versions of copy side by side on the internet you can examine the results after a short period of time. Starting with the headlines you want to compare and keep the best results. As you begin to see what is working you make adjustments to improve upon this and than 'test' this against the copy that formerly showed the best results.Split testing in this way ensures that you are ALWAYS making improvements based upon calculated results and not guess work.

Since most communication with customers when marketing on the internet is primarily done in text the ability to write good sales copy is a must. Any success in business that you achieve will be through persuading people to make purchases with effective copy writing. To make your copy effective however you also need to know what does NOT work. This is determined through continual split testing which allows you to make gradual improvements based upon apparent weaknesses. As discussed above you can see how important these two abilities are towards being able to effectively promote online. Your writing skills will be what pays the bills but you will not know what works or where to make improvements until you first test it.

Author's Bio: 

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina.
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