A rounded face may give you a younger look but a thinner face provides you with more confidence and a beautiful appearance. There are some people with perfect bodies but a little bit fatter stored in their face. The combination is not as good as they look more like a child. It is easier to reduce the overall fat from the body; however, technically, it is more difficult to lose weight in your face. You have to approach with balanced methods to tone your face as well decrease the puffy areas. Here are some tips on how to lose weight in your face faster:


Sugar-Free Gum

how to lose weight in your face

For a toned appearance, you need to work on your facial muscles so that the double chin look doesn’t appear. For this specific reason, we need to work out our jaws. Chewing sugar-free gum is the most easier and effortless way to achieve the desired result. It is fun as well as healthy for our teeth or gums.
Cocoa Butter
how to lose weight in your face
Using cocoa butter on a daily basis can bring you amazing results such as improvement in skin elasticity which in turn gets rid of your double chin.
– Put a couple tablespoon cocoa butter into the microwave. Let it warm for a bit.
– Take the oil out and apply into your hands and massage your neck region as well as double chin area gently. Repeat for few minutes.
Massage twice per day, during the morning hours and bedtime before dozing off.

Wheat Germ Oil
how to lose weight in your face
Wheat germ oil massage can provide a solution on how to lose fat in your face. Regular massage can get rid of your double chin in an efficient manner. It contains vitamin E which help nourishes and makes the skin supple and smooth.
- Before bedtime, rub a little wheat germ oil around your chin gently.
- Message from the lower neck to your chin for about 15 minutes.
- Leave it as it is overnight.
- Repeating this regularly will have significant benefits. You will notice that your double chin will be reduced in no time.

Egg Whites
lose weight in your face
The white parts of the egg, when applied on your skin, will tighten it. Therefore, it can help you remove the double chin. Egg whites moreover are very beneficial to the skin health.
- Take the white parts from a couple of eggs and beat together with a tablespoon milk, honey plus lemon juice.
- Add little peppermint essential oil.
- Apply the resulting mask around the chin as well as neck area.
- Leave it for half an hour.
- Rinse off using warm water and then pat dry.
- Repeat once per day for the quicker outcome.

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how to lose weight in your face