A few years ago when I was in training with the Coaches Training Institute, I remember one of the leaders saying that it is easier to give 100% - easier than 95%, or anything less than 100%. That resonated for me. In the moment I knew the truth of it, but put it into some “future query file.”

It clearly came home to me almost six years later. I made a decision to eat a 100% raw diet and let go of all caffeine.

I had a sense for two years that this was the best way for me in terms of health and energy. I had put my foot in the raw food waters several times, and let go of some level of caffeine, with a lot of exceptions.

I was already vegetarian and had lost my taste for coffee. But I love cooked food; used green and other teas for energy and couldn’t find it in myself to let go of these options.

I didn’t want to miss out on anything in the way of the cooked food world - an unexpected treat, a buffet, a special meal someone made, or a great new restaurant.

I didn’t want to be so different from others around me. And I couldn’t imagine letting go of the kick of caffeine.

Plus, this was what I knew - and a case of old habits die hard.

So I bounced around, sometimes here, sometimes there, often using circumstances as my guide for the moment or the day. I had desire without decision.

Until . . .


One day I made a decision to eat 100% raw and let go of caffeine. This decision has impacted me on every level - spiritual, emotional and physical.

I am at peace , and what once looked so challenging no longer seems so at all. In fact, I am quite happy about the whole thing, and have learned a lot in the process far beyond the decision to eat raw and let go of caffeine.

And, yes, there have been periods of great re-adjustment.

So here is fast-forwarding to a few key things I’ve learned.


A decision is powerful. The root of the word decision (decidere) is to cut off from. When I - or you - really make a decision, we cut ourselves off from other options and commit to what we’ve chosen by virtue of our decision.

A decision includes both intention and commitment. Both of these are 100%. Both focus our inner resources as well as attract the ideas and outer resources to support the decision.

A decision is whole hearted. We can only decide in favor of what is true for our self - of what we know in our heart and soul to be true. Otherwise, there’ll always be some holding back, either in subtle or not so subtle ways. With a real decision, there is no holding back.

Being whole hearted - no holding back - is a joy and is effortless.

100% is easier than anything less.

Much like being whole hearted, there is great ease in doing something 100%. 100% means total - emotional, spiritual and physical. There are no considerations, mind clutter, fantasies, circumstances, excuses or shoulds to drain our energy or distract our attention.

Doing something 100% is simple.


Image how your life might be different if you only invest your time, energy and attention on what is true for you, and whatever you do, you do it 100%. Whether it is a conversation, a project, a relationship, your business or anything else, being in it 100% can only make it easier, simpler and ever so much richer.

Why Not “Step into Your Greatness” 100%

Author's Bio: 

Reggie Odom CPCC, PCC, founder of Inspired Works, is an Intuitive Vision Consultant, professional certified coach, spiritual teacher and speaker. She inspires and guides Spirit Minded Entrepreneurs to step into their greatness, with ease! She can be contacted at (617) 524-6153, or reggie@reggieodom.