My business seems to make major leaps in growth whenever I get fed up with the long lulls of the same ol', same ol'.

Growth spurt #1 ...

After my first couple of years coaching, I plateaued at $60k a year. It was covering my bills but I was working a lot. Coaching clients and teleclasses were scheduled back to back and I was overwhelmed. Either I needed to do something drastically different or die of anxiety .

I got a coach to help me release all that 'pushing' energy to get more clients and get more things done. I began to relax and allow. I followed my inspiration . I stopped striving. I doubled my income and hit six figures for the first time in my life.

It was astonishingly easy after fighting so hard to stay at $60k!

Growth spurt #2 ...

After consistently making good money, personal issues took over my life and business came to a screeching halt. My debt soared and I panicked. Again, I found myself striving. This time I was hunting a solution. None came.

Round two of releasing. I stopped looking for solutions and began to appreciate my three precious clients. I focused on projects that felt empowering rather than searching for the money.

I shot back up to six-figures, paid off my debt and tapped back into my power again.

Growth spurt #3 ...

Every year my income increased but I wasn't feeling like my business was growing in proportion to my efforts and desire. I decided to get outside of my box (for the fun of it!) and launch a new program with the help of promotional partners.

My sole focus was fun, releasing my fears and planning for a six-figure launch. I got my goal and new business streamed from multiple sources.

I had no idea that doing a big launch would be so life changing. My confidence grew and my creativity exploded.

A major growth spurt can happen to you. You must clarify your definition of success before you begin. Make a decision that you will address your fears, areas of weakness and knowledge gaps.

Take on the process of success as an adventure. A journey into yourself and the world of business as you want to create it.

Trusting your decisions, making fun your #1 priority and getting support have proved to be the keys to prosperity and success. The possibilities for your success and joy await.

Now is always a great day to decide to claim them.

Author's Bio: 


You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs and their teams to double (and even triple) their profits by leveraging intention, systems and fun. Grab her FREE audio on dialing in your biz here: