A psychic or tarot reader is a great choice if you are just going through a difficult patch which leads to insomnia and you know the cause. But for those who are seriously struggling, especially those who have been for a long time and struggle physically with it as well as mentally - trouble with lack of energy, brain fog, eating, washing and dressing, going out etc, as a result of the insomnia this is not enough and can only distract for a short while rather than change things. The psychic might predict the insomnia will lift, but how can they be sure and how do you get it to go away?
A good therapist is often the answer. A counsellor might be the answer. A hypnotherapist is another possibility, and has helped many, so does acupuncture, aromatherapy and herbs . I myself have problems with sleeping sometimes and use valerian or passion flower to help then. Should I choose a clairvoyant psychic or a therapist is the question? Because a doctor is often unnecessary and if all they do is give sleeping pills it is a slippery slope, I have had clients who have become totally addicted to them and a nervous wreck physically as a result of taking them. These pills can give out awful side effects which are very debilitating and even have some long term side effects which were worse than the original problem and they can be very addictive. You often have to keep increasing the dose until you are on ridiculously high amounts to get the same effect.
Do not get into a cycle of just worrying about it and putting off until tomorrow doing something to break the cycle. Do not expect amateurs such as family
and friends to be able to help, the odds are that they can only listen and cannot give good advice. Be realistic - you may have to try a few different things before you find what works for you.
There are even machines on the market now especially for this but they do not come cheap.
Some result to drinking alcohol before they try to sleep, not sure this is wise. Some simply find that not watching the television or using their phone, tablet or computer for a while helps. The sooner you start to work out a plan of action and try something the sooner you will get rid of the problem.
Beth Shepherd psychic http://www.accuratepsychicreadingsonline.com/psychic-email-reading