“Change your thoughts and you change the world.” - Norman Vincent Peale
The way you clothe your figure, your external appearance, and the way you present yourself both at work, and for social activities is the best self-worth you will acquire. The power to find ways to cut expenses and dress well on a tight budget is at an all-time high. The power and will for women to create fashionable and distinctive outfits in today’s economic climate is easier said than done.
As fashion styles come and go, elegance and dressing well is eternal. Professionals, women who are decision makers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, celebrities, super stars, and socialites, all share a common desire and motive. And that is, they are women who simply, like me, love to dress up when they go out. It feels good to be admired. Your self-esteem and confidence soars.
Learning about your health and physical fitness , and everything from fashion ideas to easy solutions to wardrobe issues is a full time job. Fresh ways that stir your imagination , and encourage you to think before you spend lots of cash can be created. Finding new ways to dress up your wardrobe without spending a fortune is doable. Choosing elegant, everyday fashion styles is essential and is also your choice. Being the most stunning lady at your special occasion with creations from your own wardrobe is another choice that is easy to do.
With the ups and downs in today’s trade and industry; the mortgage and financial crisis, the lack of adequate medical insurance, or non-existent health coverage, is ongoing. The continuous increase in weight problems due to poor eating habits , and too often consuming foods without any nutritional value, crosses multiple boundaries and impacts all age groups. They all play a big part in adding to the economic tensions that cause the need to spend less.
For individuals who wish to enhance their living standards, the economy leaves a lot to be sought after. As with any other successful goal, your style, your image, and your sense of spending should be a constant journey. The complexities of fashion, style, beauty , elegance, health and wellness change daily. And each one is equally important to your well being.
Enhancing your knowledge, improving your image, and motivating yourself to become the extraordinary person you deserve to be is an awesome choice. It sets you on a journey to the power behind fashion, beauty , staying well, and the magic it demands of you as a consumer in the unreliable economic options existing today.
The next time you go shopping for groceries, clothing, shoes, accessories or whatever, stop and take a clear look at the way you live every day. Most of your purchases make up the key part of your daily lifestyle. So, settle on what you are free to spend. If, like most people, you have a reserved amount to spend on clothing, and other products and services, make the most of each purchase.
Plan well with your most important financial values in mind. Your best appearance and sense of fashion comes with planning ahead, with caution, and with one purchase at a time. Pay only for new items when you can no longer wear your old, out-of-style items. Make a record before you go shopping and refer to it often. With a little careful planning and reasoning, you will be able to make well informed decisions.
Understanding how to shop smart, to dress well on less, to keep a healthy body by eating well, and being more aware of your appearance are admirable habits to create. Living in today’s economy demands even more from each one of us.
Gerri D Smith apparel designer for Distinctive Elegance, an online educational resource and virtual boutique inspires women business owners, professionals, celebrities, entertainers, and women who just love to dress up for special events. For fashion tips, wardrobe basics, inspirational lessons, and support, subscribe to her monthly newsletter. It’s Free. And also get a Special Report here, http://www.distinctive-elegance.com