Many people forget to ask a few very pertinent questions out of sheer exuberance or carelessness, when it comes to pool excavation. This leads to a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding between the clients and the companies that carry out pool excavation.
So here we are with the questions, the answers to which might help you to have the pool of your property excavated without any hiccup whatsoever. More so, it will help you to understand what is being done by the pros and why.
One of the most pertinent and common questions that people might ask the excavators is that what if they hit water or rocks while excavating pools. The reality is, neither will matter much in the excavation, unless:
- The condition of the soil is such that it may compromise the structural integrity of the pool
- It influences the budget, demanding more expenditure for the installation of the pool.
The structural component of the pool needs to be determined by the excavator in Shellharbour though this a different topic altogether and is beyond the scope of this discussion.
However, from the financial point of view, there are two principal things that the excavator company needs to look for when it comes to pool excavation and coming across issues like hitting the rock or water.
Pros Hitting Rocks....
In case these professionals hit rocks, they would move the site to an area that is comparatively less rocky. It is not just guesswork, but the knowledge that is acquired through the experience of many years of pool excavation that helps.
The other option is elevating the area and maintaining the same location. Well, that will surely cost some extra penny, as elevating the pool walls and the base means there is a need of higher walls, additional fills and the likes. The third option is hammering and blasting the rocks out and installing the pool in the place originally planned.
When Pros Hit Water....
This is another scenario that people have to encounter while excavating pools. Well, in this case, the pool excavator in Wollongong have multiple options to choose from.
In these cases, the standard step to take is setting up a dewatering system, to keep the dugout hole as dry as possible, till they manage to install the pool at the very location where it was originally planned.
This is a very effective mechanism, which works particularly for fibreglass pool installation. This is because in case the pools are made up of fibreglass, they are filled up with water within a short while of installation, and hence, the struggle to tame down the groundwater is not that long and fierce.
So this is only the first questions that people need to ask to the companies that offer excavation in Albion Park . There are other questions as well that they need to ask. But let us deal with them in the subsequent pages.
All said and done, regardless of the number of questions these people have, they need to put their money only and only on reputed companies with years of experience under their belts.
The author owns an excavator company in Shellharbour that also carries out excavation in Albion Park and Wollongong. The author is also an avid blogger.