I’ll admit, it’s easy to get caught up in the magical miracle ways you can make money fast. “If you do X in your business, you can make millions” is the message coming from all directions. "If you sign up for this class or that ecourse you can make six figures" is another neon sign coming at you via the internet.

While certain strategies, investment opportunities and niches do produce results, it’s all about how you resonate with that particular thing that makes it successful or not. Your money vibe is the thing that is in control of your income rising or falling. Your money vibe is what makes you collide with good deals, fast sales and all around good luck.

Except it’s not luck. It’s planned.

Intentionally changing your relationship with money has everything to do with how you relate to it. This in turn creates a high frequency when you think about money and literally draws it to you like a magnet. The term magnetizing money is highly over used and yet it is indeed what is happening.

All you have to do to change your money vibe is make a decision today that you will relate to money with excitement. I tell my clients to act like a six or seven figure CEO. You must act like you know what you are doing - like someone who earns lots of money and is used to it - and have fun in your creation of more money.

How the heck do you do this if you’ve been on consistent struggle with money? Let the reins go. Quit whining, complaining, feeling victim, trying too hard and all that crappy stuff you do when it comes to money. And quit being cheap when it would serve you better to invest in quality. Stop saying you can’t afford things…because you are creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

When you see something you want, decide you will have it, even if you don’t have the means in this moment. Whenever you decide you want something, I mean REALLY decide, you will find the means to do it. And it won’t be from raiding the piggy bank. Although it could be. It’s all your choice.

The other sure fire way to raise your money vibe is to raise your vibe in general. Do stuff that is fun and reminds you that life is an adventure to be enjoyed. I went to my family’s vacation home for five days over the holidays and I came home to several new sales that were unexpected. Going to the movies, reading good books , connecting with friends and gardening are great, too.

When I go for my daily walk, I tell my son to look at the trees because money grows on them. He doesn’t know what I’m talking about it but it raises my vibe to envision that money is all around me and easily accessible. Therefore it is.

Author's Bio: 

Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur: Biz Building CD.