It can be daunting to think about your finances. If you are starting out on this path and trying to figure out your personal finances
and how to manage and improve them, why not attempt to enroll in some online courses that would lay all the details down for you?
Through these courses, you will be able to follow a structured syllabus of what it takes to achieve financial security and what you must do to keep moving forward. Take a look at the best online finance courses and choose the best one for your needs.
Personal Finance 101: Everything You Need to Know
This course is offered by Udemy and taught by MoneyCoach instructors. It takes you through a range of topics that include debt, credit, taxes, savings, retirement , insurance , buying a car and house and a lot more. The course also provides interesting videos that are animated and easy to follow.
Free. If you require a certificate, you will need to pay.
3 hours
Personal and Family Financial Planning
This course is offered by Coursera and taught by instructors from the University of Florida. It includes topics that cover financial management, investments, savings, taxes, mutual funds, risks and more. It has flexible deadlines and also provides subtitles in a few languages apart from English.
Free. If you require a certificate, you will need to pay.
9 weeks
Finance for Everyone: Smart Tools for Decision-Making
This course is offered by edX and created by the University of Michigan. It is an introductory self-paced course that will teach you about the world of finance along with topics such as buying or renting, loans, concepts such as the Time Value of Money (TVM) and the applications of this financial knowledge in your life.
Free. If you require a certificate, you will need to pay.
6 weeks
Financial Literacy
Offered by Alison and created by Advance Learning, this course includes modules that cover bank accounts, budgets, debt, saving, wages and taxes, insurance, retirement planning, consumer rights and more. It also offers three types of certificates depending on your purchase—digital, physical or framed.
Free. If you require a certificate, you will need to pay.
6-10 hours
Personal Finance
This course is offered by edX. It is taught by instructors from Purdue University. The topics covered include investments, stocks, bonds, insurance, credit, pensions and retirement planning. It also contains weekly quizzes and additional resources. This course is now archived but can still be taken.
5 weeks
Concluding Remarks
Inspired and want to take finances into your own hands? Select a course for yourself now and start planning. Go through the details of each course and the time you are willing to invest and watch as your finances improve once you start applying these lessons to your life.
Make sure you give the course sufficient time and attention without trying to rush the process. Make notes, plan ahead and stay financially happy!