Considering the popularity of home renovation videos, tutorials/PDFs and expert advice available on the internet, it is not surprising to see a lot of people too keen to try their hand on DIY projects, even installing new floors themselves . Though, at the start, it could look easy. But, truth be spoken, there are plenty of things that can go wrong.

Keeping this in mind, here a few of those common timber floor installation mistakes to avoid at all costs!


Installing Timber Floors Over Under-floor Heating:

If one has an under-floor heating already in place, most homeowners make the mistake of adding a new floor on top. This is a big blunder and one that will cause warping, shrinking and splitting.

In a few cases; one will also find the floorboard not able to withstand the underfloor heating. That is why it is important to have these aspects discussed before-hand with a top-rated manufacturer.


Laying Floorboards Right Next To Each-Other:

Another prime mistake to avoid is not leaving gaps for expanding the floor.

If one is installing wooden floors for the very first time, one should ensure that the wooden floors have enough space to expand and increase their moisture and temperature.

If not, then they would have to face the issue of cupping. That's why it is important to have specialised flooring professionals in Wollongong to deal with such operations.


Cutting Corners and Rushing the Floorboard Preparation:

Preparing the floor board poorly is another prime blunder to avoid when planning for a flooring operation. When one is cutting the floorboard, is it important to ensure that the measurements are done accurately and precisely.

Having professional flooring experts ensures that each flooring material is cut in the right measurement to complement the look of the room. If not, then the ill-fitted floorboard will stand out and disrupt the floor aesthetics.


Choosing Products that do not match Australian Standards:

In the market; one will come across a supernumerary of timber flooring products. However, truth be told, not all of them are at par in quality or meet the necessary Australian Standards.

For a first-timer, it is very easy to pick the wrong options. Those include flooring options without UV protection, not enough coating to withstand the harsh Australian weather and also not being impervious to water or moisture exposure.

One should look to avoid these materials at all costs. Rather; one should discuss the thickness of the floor material, the coating it has received and other key aspects such as surface/edge protection, the composition of the plank. Also, check if it adheres to the set Australian Standards.

Capping Off:

These are some of the common timber flooring mistakes that every homeowner should look to avoid at all costs. Failure to do so, even in one aspect means tons of money wasted compensating for its damage.

There are no shortages of timber flooring agencies in Wollongong, so find a reliable one and discuss the project specifics. Using their expertise and field knowledge, these professionals will be more than willing to get the task done properly, without compromising on the work quality.

Author's Bio: 

The author has been a part of one of the top-most timber flooring agencies in Wollongong for years. With that, the author also explains why it is important to have specialised flooring professionals in Wollongong.