As you start looking at your child’s diet and what you can do to help your child’s body heal, you may decide to take gluten, casein, soy or even all three out of the daily menu. That can definitely be a step in the right direction, especially if your child suffers from gastrointestinal distress, skin disorders, allergies, sleep disturbances and/or behavioral problems.

Another important factor in your child’s diet, however, is the type of oil you use for your cooking and baking needs. You will want to use one that is natural and healthy, as opposed to the hydrogenated version that most people use. My favorite type of oil is called Coconut Oil. If you’ve never used it before, you’re in for quite a treat.

Coconut oil has been called a “miracle” because of its unique healing properties for many disorders. I like to call it a super-food because it is a natural anti-fungal, antimicrobial, anti-viral fatty acid that helps the body stay healthy. And, on top of that, it tastes great!

We spread it on toast or muffins in place of butter, on a PBJ sandwich to increase nutrient value, in every baking recipe that calls for butter, oil or shortening, along with stir-frying vegetables to give the food a slightly buttery, slightly sweet taste. The heavy lauric acid content can improve digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body, fight fungal infections and even soften the skin.

And as if that’s not enough, it tastes great! To learn more about coconut oil, I highly recommend a book called The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife. And if you’re ready to try out some tasty recipes, be sure to order a copy of my new gluten-free cookbook called, Mother Cub Magic: The Cookbook . It’s available to download today in either PDF or Kindle format.

Once you learn all of the benefits that coconut oil has to offer you and your family , I can assure you – you will be hooked! Let Mother Nature help you keep your family healthy by healing everyone from the inside out.

Author's Bio: 

Susan Lynn Perry is the Official Autism Expert on in addition to hosting a weekly radio show called The Mother Cub Show, All About Autism on WorldTalk Radio. She is an accomplished freelance writer and best-selling author of fiction, nonfiction, short stories and inspirational articles. Her latest novel, Hindsight, is what she likes to describe as “fiction inspired by true events”. As the mother of a young son currently emerging from autism, she’s had the distinct honor of becoming an expert in the field of natural, biomedical and dietary interventions that have had a profound effect on her son’s health. Please visit her website, for additional information, and remember…it is possible to help your children get better – you just need to take one step, and then another, and then another……