Gather round and hear the story of how we’re losing a war to an enemy most people don’t know about.

The whole thing started in the 1930s when chemical poobahs decided to create a synthetic form of estrogen and make boodles of money with it.

And so it was that they created Bisphenol A (BPA). But shortly thereafter the wheels fell off their plan. Turned out their toxic creation did a number on women, even bumping some of them off.

Not to worry! Quickly leaping to Plan B, they started spreading the toxin far and wide. And so began the war–and we’re losing.

We’re flooding our bodies with this bogus estrogen. Estrogen is an endocrine hormone. When bogus estrogen shows up and starts breaking the furniture, the rest of the endocrine system does what the endocrine system always does–jumps in and starts bailing like crazy to make things work again.

But still the bogus estrogen floods in. The endocrine system goes down in flames. Fatigue sets in. Glands can’t get the job done. We’re in big trouble.

Blood tests reveal that 90% of Americans (and probably the rest of the world) are infested with BPA nowadays. It’s even found in the womb, attacking babies as they form.

You don’t hear about it on the nightly news. You don’t read about it in major publications. Congress seems never to have heard of it. So let’s talk amongst ourselves.

Some of the problems BPA causes:
• The entire endocrine system, the keeper of our health, gets thrown into chaos
• Fertility problems for both men and women. Eggs arrive damaged, the sperm are too few and too slow to make anything happen. And should a connection be made, chances of miscarriage skyrocket.
• Babies have an increased risk of defects in their reproduction systems.
• Our toxin-removing livers take a beating. No liver, no you.
• Obesity runs amok. It’s not just diet. It sure isn’t exercise. It’s BPA.
• Cancer increases
• Diabetes goes off the charts
• Asthma attacks more and more of us
• Heart disease storms through the populace
• Antibodies get created by the carload, but our BPA-damaged immune system lacks the power to successfully fight back. Researchers relate this imbalance to the enormous surge in autoimmune diseases.

And it doesn’t take much. Teensy-weensy amounts can undo your health. And most of us harbor very generous amounts of BPA.

How does BPA get into our systems? Where is it?
• Plastic bottles–water, soda, baby bottles, cooking oils, milk, etc.
• Plastic containers may be made of BPA. We have to check. Especially since using a BPA-laden container in the microwave makes the problem much worse.
• Baby toys and sippy cups
• Plastic dishes, including fast food containers
• Cash register receipts. 70% of them have a BPA coating, the better for your skin to suck it in.
• Computers, which are chock-a-block full of plastics
• Dental sealants and resins. That coating the dentist puts on your child’s teeth? BPA. Got a filling? It was set in BPA glue. Dental offices are awash in BPA–and then they push fluoride, too!
• Plastic wraps
• Ever get coffee-to-go? BPA’s in the lid.
• Food and beverage cans are lined with BPA, which seeps into the contents for your dining pleasure. The lining prevents a metallic taste from getting into the food or drink.

In 2010 Canada pronounced BPA toxic, a few years after most of Europe legislated BPA out of baby bottles. Whoever thought feeding babies estrogen made any sense in the first place? And will somebody please tell the FDA?

In 1998 Japan forbade polycarbonate children’s dishes. BPA is an essential building block for polycarbonate.

In 2008, the National Resources Defense Council sued the FDA about their inaction concerning the dangers of Bisphenol A. FDA rules require they respond to law suits within 180 days. It’s been a few years now, but nothing yet.

Identifying BPA in cansWith cans, you have to go by what’s not on the label. You can be sure that the label on any can without a BPA lining will shout it out loud and proud. So, if BPA doesn’t get a mention, you know it’s in there–ready, willing and able to do its dastardly deeds.

Identifying BPA in plasticsPlastic bottles and containers have a recycle code in a triangle on the bottom. The code for BPA is 7. If you’re shopping, put it back on the shelf. If you already own it, throw it away. DO NOT recycle it. That’s fighting on the side of the enemy! Better in a land fill than in anybody’s body.

Some containers have a recycle code of 7–and a “BPA Free” label. Not so much. If you wash the container in the dishwasher or with a strong detergent, scratch it or use it in the microwave, you give the BPA a “get out of jail” free card.

Once you stop the flow of BPA into your body and get on a solid vitamin/mineral program, you can kick BPA out. Your health will thank you.

Author's Bio: 

Bette Dowdell has studied how the body works–or doesn’t–for years to dig herself out of the ditch of endocrine problems when doctors didn’t help so much. Now she shares her knowledge with others–what’s good, what’s bad and what’s the difference. Subscribe to her free weekly e-zine at . Start discovering how to get your energy and enthusiasm back.