Total= 5345963677=55Vowels= 3 5 6 6 7=27
Consonants= 5 4 9 3 7 =28
As one examines the numerology
of numerology
there are some interesting perspectives that one can derive from its numbers. Remember, this is the English language spelling and vibration. As such, it reflects how the English based culture views and administrates numerology
The total pure number 55 reflects the nature of numerology that helps to reveal both every day, exoteric, social and personal portraits of life and the participation in life. The double 5 reminds us that the exterior is merely the reflection of greater divine laws of life and of the cosmos that are symbolically reflected through numbers. There is a greater esoteric meaning to life that transcends the 3rd dimensional illusions and Maya around us. The deeper soul searcher knows that numbers can be of assistance in recognizing and living by those higher principles.
Five is the number of man, the five senses, life and experience. The number 5 encourages originality of thought and fresh ideas that continually emerge from the study and application of numbers. Life is constantly changing and our access to the higher life is becoming more readily accessible and recognizable. The double 5 reminds us of the ever evolving inner truths that weave their way into our human growth. The evolving numerologist rides with the wave of enfoldment, and is often at the forefront of describing and identifying these nuances of growth. Without this awareness numerical interpretations remain repetitious and a reflection of static social norms and socially engineered cultural behavior
The inner total (vowels) of 27 gives us a clue about the western cultures attempt to get at truth through the mind and intellectual speculation. With the 2 and 7 there is symbolic encouragement to include the intuitive mind along with reason in the search to find balance and harmony of interpretation and application of the art. As the numerology practitioner includes both sides of the intellectual and intuitive equation with respect, it leads to contributions of wisdom
and revision, rather than endless repetitive interpretations.
The outer number 28 reveals insight as to the working of the laws of manifestation and the manner in which western culture views progress. A society that is built without attention to the inner laws becomes a society of false authority, abuse
, misuse and ultimate downfall. The 2 encourages unity of the inner and outer, higher and lower, material and spiritual. The 8 yearns for attention being given to the laws below, as a reflection of the immutable laws above. The finely tuned numerologist is ever working to sharpen connection to unfolding truths, resulting in constant revision and realignment of interpretation that fits the consciousness of the moment.
There are no stress numbers between the 5’s. A truthful and harmonious life is meant to be lived in accordance with the living divine laws. The stress number between the 2 and 7 is 5. Truth is not found through the mind and observation alone. Rather, truth comes as a result of living consistently with the inner Higher guidance and the wisdom
that emanates from the universal mind.
The stress number 6 between the 2 and 8 encourages responsibility when building a society or any form of construction. That would be responsibility to the Source and to all of life that will be affected by any construction (rather it be construction a nation, a technology, a belief system, or a numerology chart. Responsibility to offer the purest guidance and altruistic service are key elements for the practicing numerologist.
These are very brief assessments of the numerology of numerology, and the inspired and evolving practitioner is encouraged to elaborate and expand these basic observations.
Lynn Buess MA, EdS brings a very unique background to his fifty plus years study of numerology and the wellness process of self growth. During his earlier years he studied multiple theories of esoteric and metaphysical subjects including eastern religion and philosophies, reincarnation, astrology, and yogism to mention a few. His academic years in pursuit of three degrees in Psychology took him into humanistic psychology, transpersonal psychology and parapsychology studies as well.
This academic experience, along with personal studies and mystical events and glimpse into cosmic consciousness, has given him an extraordinary perspective into the understanding of human psychology and experience. As a one time practicing psychotherapist and alternative wellness practitioner, he applied the art of multiple healing modalities in seeking to practice the most efficient techniques of healing and well being.
Lynn’s experience of practice in numerous nationalities adds to his scope of human nature and depth of insight into generations of family dysfunction and growth. Having come from a family of alcoholism and other toxic patterns he was eventually introduced to the issues of Adult Children of Alcoholism and the multiple dysfunctions of alcohol, drugs, sexual and codependent behavior. Much of his practice dealt with these common social behavior patterns.
Lynn served as a military intelligence special agent during his early adulthood. His experience conducting thousands of background investigations and performing the duties of security and counter espionage taught him to recognize many hidden irregularities and deceptive practices used by institutions and people in the position to misuse and abuse power. Having this professional investigative background enables him to identify issues that are frequently unrecognized or ignored by members of the general public.
This unique and varied cornucopia of internal mystical experiences and external life circumstances is reflected in the vastly expanded viewpoint he brings to the field of numerology and his wellness professionalism. Lynn is able to examine numerical cycles and deftly apply then in analyzing individual intervals of life circumstance, or national and international events taking place in the world around us.