A Quick Preamble:
For some, the setting of personal goals is a relatively simple task, while for (plenty of) others it’s just not the norm’…the“secrets” of how to set goals seem out of reach – hence, there’s a whole mass of people just blustering their way through life and taking whatever life happens to throw at them…
…and that’s basically because they haven’t spent enough quality time deciding what they actually really desire in their life and the they haven’t planned out the necessary steps toward achieving those desires – they haven’t set the goals that will get them to where they want to be..!
Have you..?
Cutting To The Chase:
- The Importance of Setting Goals…
So even though you probably already know all the good reasoning behind goal setting , experience tells me that you’re probably still asking “why should i set goals..?”
The answer is honestly pretty simple…it’s “MOTIVATION”…first you set your vision on exactly what you want and/or when you want it, then you learn and understand each and every step (goal) you must achieve to turn your vision (your final ‘goal’) into a reality.
Goal setting is such a powerful process that staying on track whilst heading toward your goal shouldn’t be a problem, because set goals have an inherent fail-safe – any possible distractions that could stop you achieving your goal can be quickly spotted and corrected.
By setting clear-cut, ultra-defined goals, you’ll be able to celebrate and take great pride as you attain achievement of each and every one of them, with the added self-confidence-boosting knowledge that you’re making progress on the road that you may have initially thought was too difficult or even plain impossible…success in any form is always a great improver of self-confidence and the further improvement of goal-achieving competence.
Know this: All successful people, whether they’re in sports , business, politics or even voluntary work, are goal setters – they understand and make full use of the relationship between long and short-term vision and motivation – YOU CAN TOO..!
- Goal Setting Tips…
• Set the big’un first…your ultimate vision, your MAIN goal…what is it that you want, where do you want to be and when..? Will it take a month, a year, five years, ten years..?
• WRITE IT DOWN…in precise detail…
• Work backwards from that point and work out each smaller individual goal that you need to achieve on your way to your main goal.
• It’s all in the details – fully “define” each goal…flesh it out with every detail that you know exists to achieve that goal…including time-scales and time-limits.
• PRIORITISE – what is the more urgent goal..? What is the more important goal to achieve first or next..? Some goals may be just ‘nice-to-haves’ rather than critical to attainment of your main life goal, so DON’T waste your valuable time..!
• BE REALISTIC – this is often the downfall of many a would-be goal-setter…set goals that you know you WILL achieve, that you know you have – or will eventually have, the know-how to be able to accomplish and complete the task.
• If a goal was too simple in its’ achievement , make the next one tougher to attain.
• Review your goals every day – they’re not necessarily “cast-in-concrete”…you may need to change direction slightly on an odd occasion or alter the details of a specific goal to ensure it’s still fully attainable or even still necessary.
• CRITICAL – you may not achieve every goal you set, every time, at the right time…don’t be disheartened and most definitely DO NOT GIVE UP…it’s a temporary glitch, you’re human and these things happen…simply follow the tip as noted in the previous bullet point above…review, learn from the ‘failure’, then make the changes and carry on..!
A Final Anecdote:
Setting goals makes for a powerful method of motivating and setting yourself on the road to the future that YOU want, YOUR ideal future.
The practice of goal-setting easily and very quickly creates a ‘circle” of self-confidence, skills and/or competence improvement and general fulfilment as you work through and finalise each goal that makes up the steps toward the end result that you seek…set your goals and reap the rewards that you will surely receive as a result of your achievements..!!
Before you leave, a quick inspirational ‘Goals’ poem by Geri Hausler at www.scrapbook.com – in short, i believe the message Geri’s trying to convey here is “don’t lose sight of your personal life goals”…
And a final word from Anthony Robbins:“Focus On Where You Want To Go, Not On What You Fear..!”
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Peter EC Kirwan