We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

We live in a give-and-take society. When we give, we usually expect to get something in return. But sometimes we give for the sheer joy of giving. We don’t expect anything in return. It just makes us feel good to know that our giving has made a positive impact; it has helped in some way or it has made someone happy.

A devastating tornado hit close to where David and his family lived but they were very fortunate that they didn’t get much damage. However, only miles away there was severe destruction along the path the tornado touched. David and a few volunteers quickly went to see if they could offer their help to the families in need. They spent the next couple weeks cleaning, painting, rebuilding homes and lives. David sacrificed many hours of his time but when he looked into the teary eyes of those they helped and saw such gratitude and hopefulness, it was all worth it.

When we give freely and what we are able, we usually find that we have more to give than we had realized. We might have our service and help to give, as well as our time, attention, or finances. When we give our best and we give it willingly, we can’t help but get something in return and often that something is happiness .

Affirmations :

No matter how big or small my giving is, it enlarges my capacity for happiness .

I will PRACTICE happiness today….by giving freely and cheerfully.

Empowering Thoughts:

Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you. ~Madeline Bridges

Give cheerfully and freely. It is the energy behind the giving that matters so do not give grudgingly. ~David Gikandi

There is more happiness in giving than receiving. ~Acts 20:35

Copyright © 2011 Krystal Kuehn and Violet James, New Day Family and Couples Counseling Center. All Rights Reserved.

Happiness is Found in Giving was taken from 55 Words of Inspiration for a New Day by Krystal Kuehn and Violet James

Author's Bio: 

Krystal Kuehn, MA, LPC, LLP, NCC is a psychotherapist , author, teacher & musician. She is the cofounder of New Day Counseling, a family counseling couples counseling center, BeHappy4Life.com, an award-winning, self-help and inspirational site where you can find hundreds of free resources, insights & words of inspiration to change your life, and Baby-Poems.com where you can find beautiful baby poems, baby quotes, cute sayings & baby videos that will touch your heart & increase your joy & gratitude for the children you love & enjoy! Krystal is also author of The 10 Keys to Happy and Loving Relationships and several blogs: Give Thanks Journal, Baby Poems blog & Be Your Best blog.