"We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, with our thoughts we create the world." These words were spoken by Siddhattha Gotama, The Buddha almost 2600 years ago. Jesus and Krishna spoke similar words, but we never listened to them.

There is no hidden meaning in these words, they speak a simple truth. The truth is what we think about most will manifest in our reality, plain and simple. If we think about sickness, we will become sick, if we think about health we will be healthy. If our focus is on LACK, our lives will be in LACK. If we think about prosperity , we will be prosperous. Plain and simple, there are no exceptions.

Each and everyday I talk to many, many people. Some are parents of students, or students themselves. Others are people on the street, at Tim Horton's and just about any other place you can imagine. Some people are quite happy, but most have some drama to tell.

Here are different example. "My daughter is so dramatic, there is some new crisis everyday. It is driving me crazy." "My husband or wife doesn't understand me, there are so unthoughtful." "This person wronged me and I am so very angry." "I hate this, I hate that", etc, etc, etc.

Yet we wonder why there is so much turmoil in our lives, a life filled with 90% negative thoughts each day. Take out the trash. How do you do this, but taking responsibility for YOUR thoughts and YOUR feelings. Then focusing on what you want! If you focus on what you don't want you will get more of it. Learn to not only think positive, but be positive. If you have problems with your child focus on solutions not drama. Also realize that no one can hurt you that you don't allow too.

Another Buddhist saying is "Be Compassion to all beings, but if you can't do no harm". When someone dislikes me, they don't harm me, they harm themselves, unless I return the emotion and dislike them. I instead focus and what I want.

Everyday on Facebook someone send me 'causes' to join. I rarely join anything because the organizers don't see that they are creating more of the problems they are trying to solve. "Anti" this and "fighting" that. Anti gets more of what they are fighting and no one ever wins a fight. Anti terrorism breeds more terrorism, thoughts of peace will bring peace . Mother Teresa once said that she would never attend an anti-war demonstration, but she attended PEACE rallies.

Are you happy with your life, or are your thoughts out of control? You can change the circumstances of your world by changing the way you think. Everything, without exception in this reality has been created twice. The first time by the everyday thoughts we have.

Here are some ways to change your thinking. First, go one week without ANY negative thoughts. When you find you are thinking negatively consciously change it. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. Internalize the concept that no one has the power to make you feel any emotion. You and you alone are responsible for your feelings. Forgive yourself and let go of negativity. After one week you will be shocked at how much better you feel and your life is!

Some people will say that this is a lot of work and difficult to do. It is no more difficult than the life you are living that is not making you happy. Take out the trash and live only for this moment. No past, no future, no regrets, only this moment.

When you do, you will experience the joy that comes from being alive.