Whenever I'm working in the garden I keep an eye out for a wonderful plant called purslane. Many people think this plant is a just weed: to be pulled out and discarded! Even I did before I learned how incredible and nutritionally potent many wild plants that grow very close to where we live actually are. If you live in a house with a yard or garden of any kind, you can benefit and enjoy this absolutely delicious and remarkably healthy superfood.

Purslane originally came from India, but now you can find it in spots with sandy soils. You might find it in a sunny field, an abandoned parking lot, or your own garden. You'll be surprised at how regularly you can find this magnificent plant at your fingertips.

Wildman Steve Brill (who has written some great books about how to find and enjoy wild edibles) lists purslane as one of his favorite summer vegetables, and I have to agree. To me it has a lemony flavor that goes perfectly with juices and smoothies. It's succulent, juicy, and a wonderful treat.

Of course, this superfood doesn't just taste good - it does so much for your body as well. It has more antioxidents than you can shake a stick at, plus it's full of other important nutrients like iron, vitamin C, riboflavin, and phosphorus. Lastly, if you want to get more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet (and who doesn't?), grab some purslane: it's full of it!

You may be growing purslane in your yard or garden and not even know it. Look for a plant with a reddish stem and deep green leaves. The stem will be smooth, and if you break it you'll find that it has a lovely sort of juice inside. This succulent juice keeps the plant from drying out if it's uprooted, meaning it will have time to put out new seeds before it dies. What a smart plant!

Purslane has small yellow flowers and little capsules filled with tiny, tiny seeds. That's not what we're interested in, though. What we want are the stalks and the leaves. You can eat it raw if you like, or you can steam it. Add it to soups, salads, juice, or smoothies for a delicious treat. Sergei Boutenko has a recipe for a gorgeous summer soup that features purslane if you're looking for a place to start. You'll also find some other great information on the nutritional value of wild vegetables at his site.

So next time you're in your garden, keep an eye out for purslane. This superfood is healthy, delicious, and a perfect addition to your late summer diet .

Author's Bio: 

American Yogini, a division of Hohm, LLC, is a luxurious eco-chic New York Health & Wellness Retreat specializing in juice cleansing, weight loss, detox & yoga lifestyle.

Mary McGuire-Wien, Author of The 7 Day Total Cleanse, is committed to teaching, guiding and inspiring you through your juice cleanse, juice detox & weight loss retreat. Be sure to get your Perfect Time to Cleanse report at: http://americanyogini.com