We spend our lives looking for fulfilment out there, without realizing we are what we are looking for. It is only covered over, we know it in our moments of pleasure and joy? It is like an impossible puzzle but I can show how that is undone. We are all held in the illusion of a self, in separation causing our fear and dissatisfaction, life is really much better than that. Our real nature is covered over by the illusion of you – out of thought. So we need to clear the illusion but thought – thinking about it, trying to work it out is the illusion – holding the illusion, so like a puzzle you! can’t do it because you are the illusion. The answer is so simple that it defies all logic – because again that is what we are held in and holds the illusion, but if we bring the mind to understanding we can learn to let go of thought – of all understanding, - it’s not a mind thing, “we can’t think our way out”, only to the point of letting go – we are not the body or mind. – There is no one else either! just reality and the consciousness of the universe. We learn to give our self up – to be empty – of a personal self-illusion, and like tasting wine things start to happen, we reveal our real nature, realize we are all the same divine consciousness – are not limited individuals are liberated - find un-imaginable fulfilment and joy. One day this will be a part of our education.. The Sunshine Foundation is being created to give people this information and set them free from the illusion. This will change the world for the better, come and take a step in evolution. htpp://www.sunshinefoundation.co.uk
A bit about - my! storyAbout twelve years ago after loosing everything in the eighties recession – being pushed to the edge, I started going to a meditation group once a week and sit for half an hour. A year passed then I was so fed up one night I gave up trying and had the most amazing experience – left the dimension of myself and realized our real nature, forever changed I now feel like I am connected to the power some how.
I turned my life around, years passed not really understanding what had happened but more intrigued than ever, I travelled and chased a dream but still felt unfulfilled, on retuning I started sitting with a friend that new about non-duality and spent the next three years in retreat studying the teachings of Sri Nissargadatta Maharaja and learning how to live this reality, the book “Fill Your Hole” was written and I started teaching.
This wasn’t done primarily to make money but to communicate this amazing reality I am revealing. Through “my”! life seeking fulfilment I have found some maybe unique understanding that I want to share.
There are lots of good teachers now and we all help to give more understanding, we are all like pioneers – including you. There is no one - appearing to be someone, which is ok when we stop taking our self to be someone! Please visit the website for more info, book orders and look at my blog. www.sunshinefoundation.co.uk