Soul mate loving is about finding as many ways as possible to infuse your body, mind, heart and spirit with love and joy, and then sharing that love and joy intimately with another. We all seek love because love brings happiness . And happiness is a fundamental purpose of living. We yearn for love – to give love and to be loved. But are we daring enough to actually receive love? To be open enough to receive the gift of love, and to believe we are worthy of receiving love, can be quite a challenge for many people.

To exchange unconditional love with another, in particular a spouse or life partner, calls for a level of self acceptance, openness and trust that, frankly, most are not willing to allow. The term soul-mate signifies and indeed demands communication and union of two people. To connect with a soul mate demands complete trust and self exposure at many levels – physically, yes, but more significantly, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

This level of self revelation can only flow from a conscious decision to allow and sustain it; it is a level of expansive love consciousness that connects us to higher ways of being, thinking and loving. It is a scary place to be for most of us. And yet it is the price we must pay and the challenge we must take on unreservedly, if we hope to share that depth of unconditional love we deeply desire with our soul mate. In committing to such holistic loving, we surrender, not our power, but our inhibitions, fears and barriers, and we open our arms to pure joy.

At a core level of our being we are one with each other and with all humanity. We instinctively know this. At a soul level our differences melt away. Our nature is light and love. Yet we spend our life trying to create ourselves as separate and individual, all the while yearning for a return to that level of love that transcends these earthly divisions.

If you are still waiting for your soul mate, for this other person with whom you can be yourself in every dynamic and constantly expanding way, may I pose a question? Have you asked for your soul mate to come to you? And having asked, do you trust and expect it will happen for you? Are you ready for this depth of love and self-sharing?

If the answer is no, then keep expanding your ability to be open and accelerate your attraction frequency out to the world. This is easy to do. Intend you are sending love and you will become a beacon for your soul mate. Do so from a point of power and joy, not in desperation or from lack.

If you are already sending out this love vibration to your soul mate, consciously and with confident joy, then go create some space in your life, and clear one end of your closet, because your soul mate will be moving in shortly!

Believe that you deserve the soul mate of your deepest desires, and that he or she is searching for you just as urgently as you are. This is how magic happens. The kind of love magic you read in story books . But real life is always stranger than fiction. And your love story is already written, except for the final chapter.
You simply have to ask, then trust and accept the perfect outcome. That’s it. Focus on the joy of the love you are, and your attraction ability will be like a fisherman hauling in his most perfect catch.

The days of slow manifestation are drawing to an end. Now is the time for living your dream of happiness on earth, and if living with your soul mate is part of your dream, your days of waiting are over. Just allow yourself to accept the gift. As mystic and poet, Rumi says: Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere, they’re in each other all along.

Author's Bio: 

Marie C. Barrett is an author, teacher and holistic spiritual life coach. Discover more life and relationship strategies at and see Marie's blog at .