Sacred Visualization. By Asha Oshun Mali
We are what we visualize. That is what I have come to realize. Many of us have developed a pattern of negative thinking that has roots to our childhood past. This pattern of thinking is not just presented with words, but often images. For me, there were years when I would wander off into scenario’s in my mind that would miraculously-or so I thought-show up in my outer world.
Given the system of religious belief that I had been raised under; I thought that I was cursed. What was actually transpiring had nothing to do with negative prophetic incantations from some negative outside source. The malady-if there was to be one-existed at the conscious and subconscious level of my own mind.
Metaphysical and psychological teachings hold that our subconscious acts on what it is told to do. If you say to yourself “I am nothing. I have always been nothing.” Then this will be made manifest in your everyday life. Visualization is just a pictorial thought process that can bring the same results as an inwardly spoken word or phrase.
I will give you an example. When I was in middle school, I took a textbook home from school that I was not supposed to. I had not done it intentionally, so there was no reason for me to think that my teacher-one of the sweetest that I had ever had-would be angry with me about it.
The next morning, as I walked to school, I visualized my teacher screaming at me about the book. On and on the scenario played in my mind, with slight variations across the duration of my walk. By the time I got to school, I had drifted off into thoughts of other things. But, sure enough, as soon as I told my teacher about the book, she berated me in front of the class for being careless and irresponsible.
While both my teacher and I were unaware of it, we were both actors in my negative mental play. It would be years before I would make the connection between negative internal self-communication and negative outcomes in my outer life.
Negative visualization, like negative verbal thinking, can alter with ease. For me, when I first began the inward journey of self change, I read numerous books on the subject of positive thinking and positive visualization.
I decided to try some of the techniques with a friend I’d had a falling out with. I can’t remember now, what our argument was about, but we both had vowed never to speak to one another again.
I sat down the day following our fight-missing my friend dearly-and visualized us not only talking civilly about our disagreement, but also resolving our issue peacefully. Later that evening my friend called. And, just as I had visualized-with few deviations-we worked out our problem and resumed our accustomed adolescent giggles and laughs relationship.
The laws of attraction hold that we are what we attract. But, we are also what we think. By using replacing negative visualizations, with positive ones, you empower yourself to achieve your goals and live in the beauty of expansive peace , light, and love.
Asha Oshun'Mali is a writer, a clairvoyant, a spiritualist and an empath. Ms.Mali uses her life experiences to assist others on their road to spiritual growth and development. Ms.Mali's ultimate goal is to spread expansive love consciousness to the world.