Curious about Reiki
? Reiki
is a holistic therapy that gently balances energies and brings health and well being to the recipient. As a Reiki
Practitioner, I find that giving a Reiki treatment is so simple, yet the benefits can be profound.
When I explain Reiki, often times people can be quite skeptical. What I have found is that once a person experiences the therapeutic effects of Reiki first hand, they "get it" and understand Reiki through the experience of receiving.
If you're curious about what a Reiki session is like, each session begins with the client lying on his or her back, fully clothed, typically on a massage
table. Reiki can also be done on a client while they sit in a chair or even in a hospital bed. The practitioner will place their hands on or slightly above the body, typically using a standard Reiki protocol of hand positions that begin at the head and end at the feet. This is done in a respectful manner and the practitioner will remain in each position for at least three minutes. Reiki therapy is commonly used to help reduce stress and promote relaxation
in the mind, body and spirit.
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, Reiki may:
• Bring about a peaceful, deep state of relaxation
• Stimulate the body’s immune system
• Help to relieve pain
• Dissolve energy blockages and tension
During a Reiki session, many people experience sensations such as warmth, tingling and pulsation. Most people experience deep relaxation
, similar to being in a meditative state. With deep relaxation, it is not uncommon for clients to fall asleep on the table!
I have found that most people respond well during an initial session as they experience Reiki and are able to relax. Typically after four sessions, recipients report a more noticeable shift in their energy.
Reiki has many benefits and is used to treat many issues, including backaches, headaches, and tension.
Because Reiki promotes relaxation, mental calm and the quieting of a racing mind, the complementary practice is becoming more widely accepted in the medical community. According to the Center for Reiki Research, in 2007 over 800 American hospitals offered Reiki. Patients in the hospital setting experience many stressors (e.g. anxiety
, pain, sleeplessness, nausea, fatigue, etc.) that can undermine the function of the immune system and interfere with healing.
Hospitals are undergoing major changes. They are experiencing a need to reduce costs and at the same time improve patient care. Under the old medical model based on expensive medication and technology this posed an unsolvable dilemma. Not so with Reiki and other complementary modalities. Reiki requires no technology at all and many of its practitioners offer their services for free. Reiki is therefore a very good way to improve care while cutting costs.
As a Registered Nurse and Reiki Practitioner, it is my hope that more people have an awareness and understanding of Reiki and its many uses.
Reiki is a simple form of healing for mind, body and spirit that originated in Japan- all that it requires is a pair of hands and a loving heart.
Janine Gilarde is a Registered Nurse with over 10 years of experience in holistic and traditional approaches to health and wellness. She is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach and a Certified Reiki Teacher. She is committed to helping others utilizing a holistic approach for weight loss, stress reduction and overall well-being.