Arms, quickly filling out your sleeves, let's be clear, one aspect of arm training, it may be possible to build large arms with three sets of biceps and three sets of triceps exercises, but it hasn't often been done. To build arms, really build them, you need to work on a regular basis using about 10 to 15 sets for biceps and 10 to 15 sets for triceps, minimum. Some experts may disagree with this and perhaps one day there will be a concentrated training method that can activate the deepest muscle fibres of the arms with just one set of exercises.
Ultimately, technology may allow us to "hit them" completely with a few seconds of exhausting stimulation, but until someone invents it, be prepared to perform plenty of quality sets and reps.
It is a good idea to work the upper arms with at least one heavy exercise
and one or two lighter, pumping movements. For the biceps, the best heavy or "quality" movements are;
1. Barbell curls
2. Incline dumbbell curl.
3. Seated dumbbell curl
For triceps, the best heavy or "quality" movements are:
1. Close-grip EZ curl bar bench press
2. Parallel bar dips
3. Lying triceps barbell stretch
It is recommended that you begin your biceps and triceps routines with one of these quality exercises.
There is one triceps exercise that virtually everybody uses in his routine, no doubt it is such a favourite because it seems like such a “Pure" exercise . Right now there is no single champion who does not use it regularly. The stress is pretty even throughout the movement, and no appreciable balance is needed to perform a set. Although this isolation exercise is popular and gets you a good pump, it is not a size builder in the sense of a combination or "natural" exercise such as the close-grip bench press or the parallel bar dip. As on expert said "You want big triceps? go for parallel bar dips, when you can do 20 reps with a 100-pound dumbbell hanging from your waist.
After you have been weight training for a while, you will find that certain arm exercises seem to be giving results, while others just don't. If you think nothing much is happening, then your observations are probably correct. Especially avoid any exercises that give you pain or discomfort in the elbow region. There are several triceps movements which can contribute to tendinitis in the elbow. You must immediately stop using such an exercise or else cut down drastically on the weight you are using. Let's assume you have worked up to using6 reps with 120 pounds in the lat-machine press downs exercises, but the pain is unbearable. Either stop the exercise entirely or push it to the end of your arm routine and merely perform a few pumping sets or 20 reps with a far lighter weight.
Apart from proportion, there are four vital qualities that make up a great arm;
1. You need size; this includes thickness and roundness from the top of the arm near the shoulder to the bottom near the elbow.
2. You need good shape, which is largely hereditary, think Arnold Schwarzenegger for example.3. You need separation, the distinct delineation of the various muscles that make up an arm.
4. You need vascularity and definition. The skin must be "thin" with a low fat percentage. Veins grow in size along with the arms, especially if plenty of pumps are achieved in your workouts.
Remember to shock your workout routine, if you usually start arm routines with barbell curls, you may consider suddenly switching to starting with chins, or even concentration curls. Altering your arm training angels from time to time, for example try dumbbell curling with palms facing upwards one day, and the next day do it with your palms facing inwards. Can you change the shape of your arms? well yes and no. It is possible to add shape to your triceps by working, say the outer triceps section very hard. This will give an attractive appearance to the arm, especially when it is in the straight or "hang" position. Alternatively, you can add impressiveness through exercises that work the lower triceps near the elbow.
The biceps are a little more stubborn. For example, by working the lower biceps on a shallow angle Scott bench, you will "lengthen" the biceps only slightly, and by training hard on concentration peak - concentration curls, you will slightly increase the height of your biceps. In short, you cannot significantly change your inherited arm shape.
The following are a selection of Biceps Exercises, alternate between them during your arm routines.
The incline dumbbell curl
Barbell Curl
Alternate dumbbell curl
Concentration Curl
Scott curls
Standing dumbbell curls
Flat Bench lying dumbbell curl
Under grip close hand chin
The following are exercises that work the triceps area
Close grip bench press
Parallel BAR DIPS
Press downs on lat machine
Single arm dumbbell triceps stretch
Bent over triceps kickbacks
Seated triceps dumbbell extension
Lying triceps stretch
Bent over lat machine extensions
For details on each exercise, please visit the Smart Physical Workout site, exercises section for details on each exercise. It’s up to you on how to fill out those sleeves, here is to good pumping.
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