Health doesn’t ensure happiness, but it’s hard to be happy without it. However, if anyone pays attention to wellness and works towards his/her fitness goals, happiness is just a natural by-product. Over half of North Americans are either overweight or obese. Yet here is a shocking statistic: two out of five women and one out of five men would trade three to five years of their life to achieve their weight goals.

My personal passion for creating a site for health and happiness is that I too went through a stage when I negated my health working in a very stressful job. Too early to retire, I forgot that I too have alternatives. I can choose to have a positive attitude or I could give up the security of a high-profile secure. As my physical health deteriorated, my emotional health followed. I suffered from insomnia and showed many symptoms of stress. I felt I lost part of myself. After an awakening process, I started to study wellness, healthy cooking and proper exercising. My friends were amazed at the “new” me.

I created a blog, . My blog is a union between my personal experiences and my years of learning. My vision is to provide health care information for not only for the physical well-being but also spiritual wellness . It’s a mind-body-spirit approach. As my friend and mentor David Riklan said, “if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want, you can have anything in the world”, quoting from Z. Ziglar.

With that in mind, I also became an active fundraiser and created a site called . With these two sites, I think I can suggest to my readers some practices - they can easily incorporate into their daily life. Such as,

- Know the differences to eating healthy
- Practice kindness, be a leader on your own terms
- Challenging negative thoughts whenever they arise
- Warding off stress, a prime enemy of happiness
- Learn relaxation skills

I cover my experiences and my own personal interpretations of health and happiness. The important concepts of wellness, good health, nutrition and illness-prevention are the focus. Many easy-to-do healthy recopies are in a site linked to my first site.

I believe that strategies, including complementary therapies are important for health and happiness. I support the diversity of individuals and the fact that they of all people know best how to make their own unique and personal decisions about their heath, wellness , safety, well-being and lifestyles.

Over the past decade, more people are taking a “mind-body approach” more seriously. Information on mind-body interactions, such as mind-body fitness and mind-body control over excess eating are crucial for success. I think of the outcome of creativity , clarity and enrichment in both the physical and emotional health. Such attributes are catalysts for improving health and reducing the unnecessary burdens of unhealthy emotions, life patterns and chronic disease.

Let life begin!

Author's Bio: 

Clement Ng's vision is to bring about happiness and fuller health for all people around their body, soul as well as physical wellness.


My mission is to create a union with the mind, body and soul. To inspire, nuture and reveal the human experiences that lead to happiness and logevity.


I offer you the skills to be aware of the clues and responsive to

- healthy eating,

- balanced diet,

- positive emotions for peace and happiness.

You cannot find the same kind of simple techniqiues anywhere else because what I show you here is the experiences I went though, internalized and simplified.

These may also include simple everyday exercise for a happy mind and healthy body, desigend for busy people or

recipes for delightful healthy goumet cooking for all kinds of health concerns.

Visit my site: